Defining Your Ideal Customer Profile Is Crucial For Your Marketing Message To Make The Biggest Impact
An article from Trish Davies that explains why identifying the ideal customer profile is crucial for any business to survive.
Marketing and advertising has become even more strategic over the last few years because of the ever-growing digital economy. When the internet emerged as a tool for marketing the attitude was just post an ad and they will buy! Marketplaces sprung up and vendors made hay while the sun shined for little effort.
Back in the day there was less competition but over the last 10 years more product owners and businesses have migrated online. The result is that the digital world is as competitive now as it has ever been but don’t get discouraged. Yes, you may be competing with more people and businesses that have a larger marketing budget but there is a ray of sunshine.
Work Smarter To Create The Ideal Customer Profile
There is a saying “work smarter and not harder” and this is the strategy that you must adopt going forward. So, what do I mean by this? Your marketing efforts, whether they are paid or free methods, must be more specific. You must think about who you are trying to sell to and that is not everyone on the planet. In an ideal world everyone would want your products and services, but we don’t live in an ideal world!
Every business has its own ideal customer, so it is crucial that you create an ideal customer profile. Now you may be thinking, Trish how do I do this? Well it is not that hard because you need to look at what your products or services do. Then you will be able to identify who would be interested in them. The upshot is that you can then craft your message to that type of person specifically and not everyone in general.
So, let’s look at an example and the best place to look is you. You may have products and services that you have developed because they have helped you overcome something. Basically, that is what products and services achieve because they provide a solution to a problem.
Through your own product and development, you have drawn on your experiences which makes up part of your story. Maybe you couldn’t find a solution out in the marketplace, so you were forced to come up with one yourself. This gives you a foundation to create your own ideal customer profile because it will be someone like you. This is your customer base and the people you want to target.
How To Establish Your Marketing Message
How you target them is through your marketing message and this is where your story becomes your number one marketing tool! Why do I say this? Your story gives you two things that will set you apart from any potential competition and they are as follows.
You will instantly establish your authority, but also potential customers will see that you are authentic. You are the social proof that you need for your products and services which nobody can deny. So, you will position yourself in the marketplace and your aim is to attract people like yourself. Don’t worry about anyone else because they are not interested which is a good place to arrive at. This is what I referred to earlier as “working smarter and not harder” because you can channel all your efforts into your ideal audience.
So, your story is what you must focus on because in the cold light of day people buy from people who they trust. Your story is something that has not been made up as a piece of fiction because it is true to your life. If you stay authentic to that story your ideal customer profile will relate to you and resonate with your message.
My Build Your AU Mastermind Will Help You Develop Your Ideal Customer Profile
Now you may be wondering how you can package your story up into a marketing strategy and that is a valid point. I have been in business now for close to two decades and what I have learnt is that my story has helped me get to where I am now.
What I am now doing is creating a community of people which is focused on telling their stories to establish their authority. This shows their authenticity and together we work on developing their story to attract their ideal audience.
I have called it “Build Your AU” and it is based upon the three pillars that make up any successful business. The pillars are authority, authenticity and audience which is what I have been talking about throughout this article.
This is what’s going to set you apart from the competition because you are going to be different and people will notice that. Instead of following the crowd that marketing to everyone under the sun and see which ads work you will do the exact opposite.
Build Your AU Will Establish Your Three Pillars Of Success
Together we are going to work to establish you as the go to person for your industry. You will be the magnet that attracts people to your business because of who you are and what you stand for!
My Build Your AU is a weekly mastermind where you will connect with authentic people growing their business through their story. We have people from all around the world and different backgrounds whose mission is to help each. Each person shares their story which is an education because you will be able to relate to tiny snippets.
You will have lightbulb moments and find out things about yourself that you never imagined existed. This is my passion in life and my fulfilment is seeing the growth in my community and their businesses.
So, I would like to invite you to join our community, but I realise that you may still be unsure of what we do. So, with that in mind I have put together a series of pervious masterminds for you to experience.
Over the course of the next couple of weeks I am going to see you 9 recordings that will have an impact on your life. That is how confident I am in my Build Your AU Mastermind program.
To gain access you must click here and register for the video series and I will send you the first mastermind recording instantly.
Creating your ideal customer profile is what’s going to be the most important thing you do within your business. Through my program we are going to establish the message you are going to deliver to the audience you are going to build. Register here for the video series and start to build your own AU of authority, authenticity and audience.
A life of freedom and choice.
Trish Davies International
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