Do You Have The Skills Of A Good Trainer To Have An Impact On Your Team?

  Find out if you have the skills of a good trainer to lead your team in the right direction. Whatever we embark in life involves a process of learning and mastering new skill sets. How we learn them relies on many factors but the most important one is the person who is teaching them! So, take a moment and look back at the people who have influenced your life up to now.

Who Has Influenced You In Your Life

The first place you would probably start is with your parents as in general that is the benchmark we strive to achieve. They are responsible for bringing us into this world and many of our life and social skills stem from them. The next place to would be the teachers that you have had throughout your educational years. Right from your first school up to university level. Everybody has their favourites and the ones that they used to dread, so look at the reasons for those feelings. Another great period to look at would be throughout your career from your first job and where you went from there. Finally look at every other experience of someone teaching you to do something new. At the moment I am just trying to get you to create a landscape of the people who have influenced your life. Out of all those groups of people you would have had some good and bad experiences in your development. Those experiences you have had will result from whether those people had the skills of a good trainer, or not! If you are looking to become a leader, trainer or mentor then your past experiences are your resource guide. A guide that you can constantly refer to in your own development to becoming a good trainer. To help you further I would like to pinpoint some basic elements that are crucial to developing the skills of a good trainer. I have broken them down into five categories to simplify things.

Skills Of A Good Trainer – Know What You Are Talking About

skills of a good trainer Knowledge is the key to teaching people how to do something. You must know what you are talking about because if you try and fake it, you will be caught out! The result will be that you will never build up any authority and your audience will see you as unauthentic. A position that you will never recover from so make sure you can back up what you say. Always be prepared to do yourself what you are asking other people to do. This shows social proof and will develop respect from your chosen audience. It also builds up the trust factor that you need to really connect with people.

Developing Great Communication Skills

Communication is key to becoming a great trainer and mentor but there are two sides to it. The first is how you communicate with other people and how they perceive you. So, you need to be clear and concise with everything you say as people need to understand you. There is no point in mumbling, speaking softly or coming across nervous as you will lose engagement with your audience. You need to create great posture and look people in the eye when you are talking to them. The other side to communication, and one that sometimes people forget about, is listening to what people say. Too many times teachers and trainers have one opinion and that is their own. You must take on board the feedback you get because it is a way for you to develop and learn. If you constantly shout people down, they will get to a point of not interacting with you. Their contribution is just as important as what yours is. It also creates a high energy vibe environment which keeps people coming back for more time after time. Skills Of A Good Trainer – Avoid The Columbo Effect Now apologies I you are not familiar with Columbo, but it was a hit American television show in the 1970’s. It focused on a detective who had his own way in solving crime which I wouldn’t recommend. He was totally disorganised and relied on scraps of paper here, there and everywhere. By some miracle he brought everything together to solve the case which was ok because it was all fiction and part of the show. You only need to look at one episode and you will know what I mean. A great trainer is always organised and has their planning done right to the finest detail. If you are holding a training session and you spend the first 20 minutes trying to bring some structure to it, people will lose confidence. Also, they will feel that you are wasting their time, and quite rightly so! Have everything in place so when you walk through the door you hit the road running. Every second of every minute is vital so make the most of them for you and your audience.

Your Delivery Will Have Impact

Within the modern world we live in you have access to technology which helps you deliver your content much more effectively. If you look through history delivery has changed on a monumental scale. Right from chalk on slate through to blackboards which became whiteboards. Overhead projectors turned into video and now everything is delivered through a click of a button. So, look at the resources available and what you can afford to deliver a highly engaging presentation.

Skills Of A Good Trainer – Be Passionate About What You Are Teaching

I have left this one until the end but really it is the most important element to developing skills of a good trainer. If you are not passionate about what you are trying to teach, then don’t bother to start in the first place. The reason I say this is that if you have no passion then your audience will spot that from a mile off. This will affect how they absorb the information because how can they develop passion if you are not projecting it. I am not saying you must jump around like a lunatic, but you must show how much it means to you. Your audience must feel you to get you!

Putting It Altogether

These are five key elements to develop the skills of a good trainer but there are many more. All of which I can help you with through my Build Your AU Mastermind. What we will do is identify what you are great at and what your passion is. Then we will go further to help you create your message to your audience, so they are lining up at your door. We will develop your confidence so that you can deliver your message through any platform you decide. This can be one on one, through seminars or through online platforms to give you the most leverage. This is what I am passionate about and the best way to demonstrate this is to give you access so some of my previous masterminds. These masterminds are very powerful because you will see many different people from all walks of life and backgrounds. What is common though is that they are all gaining the confidence to deliver their message to their ideal audience. Confidence is key and this is what you will gain if you decide to join our community. So enough said as I am sure by now you want to get access to the mastermind recordings. If you click on the image below you will be taken to a registration page for the mastermind series. Just enter your details and I promise to send you the first recording instantly, job done! build your au Over the years I developed the skills of a good trainer and this is what I have packaged into my mastermind program. Join the Build Your AU community today by clicking the image above. A life of freedom and choice trish davies Trish Davies International