In Every Crisis There Is Opportunity To Help & Serve People

The world is in crisis with Covid-19 but in every crisis there is opportunity. Learn how you can create opportunity by helping and serving others in this time of need.

Hi Trish Davies, here from As Albert Einstein once said, “in the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity”. I think it is safe to say that we are in difficult times and that is probably an understatement. 

Now the nature of life is that there are good times and there are bad times. Historically you only have to look at the evidence. There have been pandemics in the past, there have been recessions and there have been natural disasters.

I know that sounds like a lot of doom and gloom, but it is hard to sugar coat it. Sometimes you just have to be brutally honest, face up to things and not stick your head in the sand.

In modern times the current pandemic is unprecedented. No one saw the level of destruction in both peoples personal and professional lives. The loss of life is incomparable to anything, but the economic devastation is there for us all to see.

The Second Wave Has Arrived 

coronavirus covid 19

The second wave has arrived in many parts of the world and it is only just starting to gain traction. There will be a lot of hard months head for millions of people. Fortunately, in my part of the world we seem to have it under control.

There have recently been strict restrictions in certain states of Australia. I have just moved to Tasmania where there are literally no new cases and only very low levels in the past few months. For that I am very grateful but fully respect and understand that’s not the case for other parts of the world.

Major economic powers have gone into lockdown, some are preparing to go into lockdown. The future is bleak at the moment but there will be an end to what we are experiencing. I know that is hard to think of, but you must remain positive otherwise things will never get better.

We must rely on the medical science to fight fire with fire. When they have vaccines in place then hopefully the world can get back to some kind of normality we saw before the outbreak.

Until that happens there is a lot, we can do for yourselves to make things better for millions of people. It is true that in every crisis there is opportunity for businesses. You only have to look back some 12 years ago when the world financial crisis hit.

Yes, there was a lot of people who suffered financially, people lost business and jobs but many flourished. We are at a similar point as governments are forcing businesses to shut down or are imposing strict guidelines. Unfortunately, many will not survive.

In Every Crisis There Is Opportunity 

in every crisis there is opportunity

So, this is your opportunity and I mean this in a very ethical way. Unfortunately, there will be people who prey on the vulnerable at these very difficult times. That is just life and there is not much you or I can do about that.

What you and I can do though is approach this crisis with the mindset or providing value to people in need. Now I don’t mean handing out donations or anything like that, there is something far more valuable that you can do.

The fact is that individuals and businesses collectively will need to move with the times we are facing. Many traditional businesses have been forced to adapt their working practices or they face going under.  

People who have been working in those traditional businesses have also been forced to adapt. Either in the way they carry out their tasks or to look for alternative employment. You may be one of those people?

So, what does all this mean? Well through this course of adaption business owners and employees now realise that they need to learn new skills. There has been a massive shift to conducting business online.

Whether it is learning new marketing strategies, or the way businesses communicate with clients or suppliers. It is not just practical things people want help with due to the pandemic.

Physical wellbeing has suffered both in body and in mind and people are looking for help. There are many side effects to this pandemic that in general are not getting noticed.

All of these problems require solutions which you and I have and can provide to people who are desperate. As I said this is all about acting in an ethical way but getting reimbursed at the same time.

This Is Your Opportunity 

This could be a once in a lifetime opportunity and I mean that in a positive way. We can’t do anything about what has happened over the last few months, we can affect the future though!

You have natural gifts, talents, experiences and can offer so much value to the world. The trouble is you probably don’t realise it! I have mentioned some of the problems that people may be experiencing and that is not even scratching the surface.

What has happened though is the people who have these problems have been actively looking for the solutions. The demand is there and the place they have been turning to is the internet.  

People are looking to re-skill, they have to in order to move forward with their lives. Online learning platforms have seen a massive upturn in the numbers of people looking to re-educate.

You can become a solution provider through who you are, what you know and through your experiences. This is so exciting because you can play your part in turning the fortune of the world around. Collectively with others you and I can have a massive impact on people’s lives.

We can re-train massive sections of the world’s population and provide them with hope. I can’t think of a more satisfying way to provide income for myself through serving other people. Can you?

So how can you do this?

Turn Your Knowledge Into An Online Training Package 

build your au

Over the last 12 months I have been creating a process that shows people how to create an online training business. The program is called Build Your AU which extracts everything from you and packages it up. That package can then be sold to people who are looking for your solution.

At the same time, you will be creating a personal brand that is aligned with your values. A brand that represents who you are, what you stand for and why you want to help people.

First, I help you define who you are to enable you to show your authenticity. Then I help you define your true natural talents and turn them into your training package, your solution. Finally, I help you attract an audience to sell you package to. An audience who are totally aligned with you and what you stand for.

The pandemic has been and continues to be tragic for the world. There has been a lot of heartache and unfortunately there will be heartache for some time. Good times though are around the corner, we don’t know how long that corner is, but you can be part of providing those good times.

The fact is that in every crisis there is opportunity for you. The opportunity is here right now so it is time to act and change the future for the better. Build Your AU will help you create that future and I invite you to see the program in action. Click below and register your details to receive a series of mastermind trainings. Within each training there will be an opportunity for you to join the program and I look forward to seeing you on the inside.

build your au mastermind video series

A life of freedom and choice

Trish Davies

trish davies

Trish Davies International