Create Time Freedom And Financial Freedom & Take Back Control

Looking to create time freedom and financial freedom? Take control back of your life and start doing the things your love and regain your purpose in life.

Hi Trish Davies here and today I want to talk about time freedom and financial freedom. Specifically I want to focus on how you can manifest both in your life. It is sad to see hard working individuals finding life so much of a struggle, usually this is  due to many circumstances which are out of their control.

Modern day life is like a pressure cooker and sometimes it feels that that valve gets stuck in the closed position. Therefore things build up and up and you feel that you are going to explode.

Each day is just the previous one and you know that the next day. Juggling your family life and holding down a job to keep a roof over your head and food on the table.

The trouble is that living expenses continue to rise such as gas, electric, water. Along with those expense you have your local taxes that you pay to your council and government authorities.

Then you have the cost of travelling to work by either your car or public transport. This eats away at your salary. When you add into the mix of childcare you soon realise there is not a lot left to go out and enjoy yourself.

Job security is another worrying factor. It seems that every day you switch on the news or read the papers there is doom and gloom. Major high street and international brands going into administration, then receivership and finally liquidating.

It’s Not Your Fault 

sadness and despair

Thousands of people being laid off every day not knowing how they are going to survive. If they have managed to put something away for a rainy day then that will soon be frittered away. Eventually they get back on their feet but in the back of their minds and wondering when it will all happen again.

You can be sure it will happen again and Covid-19 is unfortunately the perfect example. Some of the points I have raised will relate and resonate with you and you may feel your life is out of your control.

If it any consolation then you are not alone. There are millions, billions of people just like you and it is not your fault.

The reason I say this is because we are all the product of the conditioning. That conditioning is set in right from an early age. For hundreds of years there has been a text-book for how people live their lives.

The Cycle Of Life 

The process starts through being educated at school which sets the foundations to your life. You learn the basic skills sets to survive and then to go on specialise in certain areas of business. You hope to then carve a career out and do that for forty odd years.

Along the way you are expected to sign up for mortgages and spend the best part of That debt is an investment which does provide security for your family but it is a burden. That burden can at times become unbearable but you accept it as it is the right thing to do.

Then before you know it you hit your mid to late sixties and retire. This is the time when you can start to enjoy yourself and do the things that you love.

Therefore you are supposed to work hard and have third parties control your life. You make lots of sacrifices along the way. However it is not until you get old when you are allowed to relax and enjoy the fruits of your hard-earned labour!

Have You Lost Control?

Along this journey the majority of people, which could include you, lose control of their lives. Choices are taken away. Teachers tell you what to do then you rely on employers for your living. However there is the possibility that one day you will wake up and your job is no longer there.

Financial institutions are there help you get on the property ladder and invest your money for your pension. What happens if they make the wrong choices? Well you will have to work well past your retirement age to maintain the standard of living that you are used to.

This is a typical life cycle, a revolving wheel in which you are running and getting nowhere fast. For some people they just accept that this is the hand that they have been dealt and go with the flow. They live by the rules and conform to the conditioning that they have received.

Times Are Changing 

This may have worked in the past but is now clearly outdated. Many of the things that are still taught in the academic systems simply don’t work anymore. Individuals are being set up to fall through no fault of their own.

Times are changing, and it is time for people to be woken up to the opportunities and possibilities that are available. The biggest opportunity is to get their lives back and take full control of their own destiny.

As you have landed on this webpage I think it is safe to assume that you have had enough. Are you looking for a way that you can live your life on your own terms. To be totally self-sufficient and rely on no one for anything.

The way that you can make this a reality is to your own online business so you can write your own paycheque.  More importantly though to give you the time freedom to do what you want and when you want to do it.

You Can Chnage Your Life And Make An Impact On Others 

Now you may feel that this all sounds a bit farfetched. I can totally understand where you are coming from, you may be sceptical which again I totally understand. However I am here to tell you that you absolutely can change your life. You can find your purpose in life and make an impact on other people’s lives.

How can I make this bold statement? Well I see it in action every single day through the work that I do. Week in and week out I work with highly motivated digital entrepreneurs who are creating a digital lifestyle of choice and freedom.

They are doing this through creating an online business that impact other people’s lives. They are serving their own communities through products and services that provide solutions to everyday problems.

Problems that they have overcome which establishes their authenticity and authority. I have developed a process in which you can, just like they have, create an online coaching business.

Create Time Freedom And Financial Freedom With Build Your AU 

time freedom and financial freedom

The process is called Build Your AU which show you how to build your authenticity, authority and audience. These are the fundamental pillars that all businesses need to sit upon.

Now I have created a 9 step program that show the process in action. You will see my mastermind members go through a specific 9-step process to establish the 3 core pillars.

I will show you how to build businesses around your passions. What could be better than that? Also I will show you how you can potentially earn you a lot more money than you do now while doing something that you love.

I will introduce you to the concept of multiple income streams and different online business models. These can be created easily using your own natural resources and by leveraging technology.

You will be blown away with the opportunities that are available to you right now.

The time is for you to take action and register for the 9-step program which you can do by clicking here. You are looking for time freedom and financial freedom. My 9-stpe program is that launchpad that will help you create the lifestyle that you want for you and your family.

Don’t let this opportunity slip through your fingertips. Register here for the program and I look forward to seeing you on the inside.

A life of freedom and choice

Trish Davies

trish davies

Trish Davies International