How To Have A Business Mindset And Think Like A Digital Entrepreneur

To run a business, you must think like an entrepreneur to have the best chance of success. Here is how to have a business mindset!

Hi Trish Davies here and the topic for today is how to have a business mindset. The digital economy we now live in is constantly moving and competition is high. Therefore, to succeed in business you must develop a business mindset and treat your business with respect. If you don’t then I am afraid to say all you have is a hobby.

Success starts and finishes with what goes on in people’s minds. This is where the seed of an idea is born. The mind controls the actions that need to be taken to achieve success. If you don’t have the right business mindset then you are setting yourself up to struggle right from the start. Therefore, you will find it hard to gather any form of momentum within your digital business.

On the other hand, if you have the right mindset then quite simply the world is your oyster. Opportunities are abundant you have the best chance for success. Saying that success doesn’t just happen, it takes belief, hard work and a never say die attitude.

So, what I am going to share some insights on how to have a business mindset. To start with let me ask you this. How brave are you?

How To Have A Business Mindset – Be Courageous & Have Belief

how to have a business mindset

You must have the heart of a lion to become the king of the jungle. So, you must be courageous to do courageous things when you start a digital business. You will have a comfort zone that you have lived your life within. This is your own bubble which protects you from the outside world.

Well, I am afraid that you must burst your bubble. You must put your feet over the line and walk away from your comfort zone.

You will be venturing into the unknown. Going through any limits that you thought you had, so you must have the belief in what you are doing. Without belief you may as well put yourself back in reverse, walk back into your comfort zone and back in your bubble.

You must believe you can accomplish anything you put your mind to in order to create success. It will not just happen and magically appear from fresh air. Once you believe you then develop resilience. Let me tell you know it won’t all be a bed of roses.

Challenges will be a plenty and you will suffer several knocks of varying strengths. Through all this your belief is the thing that will pull you through at the end.

You Must Have Vision & Set Goals 

Now you have courage and belief you need to develop a vision for where you want to take your business and your life. Ask yourself where you want to be in 12 months’ time, then 5 years from now and 10 years from now. This will instantly give you a direction to follow. A fantastic way to do this is visualise it on a white board.

Start with where you are now and then break it down into segments which reflect the timescales you have set out. If necessary place pictures of what you want, whether it is a car, house, family, holidays all the way up to your ideal life.

To accomplish this, you will then need to set definitive goals which are not all necessarily monetary. An example would be that to have a digital business you will need to have a website. This is your online presence which must be in place for people to connect with you.

Therefore, you must put deadlines for when it needs to be operational. This is just an example and not necessarily the first thing to think about, I will come onto this later.

Another goal would be that dream car you have always had your eye on. Define how much revenue would you need to generate to be able to buy it. I’m sure you get the point.

Get The Right People Around You 

You will need a support network around you to make sure that you never feel alone. This may start with your nearest and dearest. However, you must be clear with them on what you are trying to do and the vision you have. They need to understand why you are taking these steps.

You may also need to get professional help through business mentors. People who can unconditionally guide and advise you on what steps to take and when. Also, you will need other people to take the workload off you. I have people all around the world who contribute to running my business network as I realise I can’t do everything myself.

How To Have A Business Mindset – Accept The Challenges & Take Risks 

business challenges

You are now ready to pull the trigger and accept the challenge. You are at the bottom of a mountain and the destination is the summit but to get there you will face challenges. Business, like anything else in life, can throw you a curve ball at any one time. You must accept this and embrace it.

Also, you will need to take risks which can be very scary. However, if you are not prepared to take them then you will just stay in the position you are now. It is the old saying of “risk and reward”. The risks can be high but so can the rewards!

Always Show Gratitude 

Every day you must show gratitude. Gratitude can be shown in many ways. The first thing to be grateful for is that you are alive and healthy. Secondly you can be grateful that you are doing something that you want to and love to do.

You may have come from a working environment that you absolutely hated. Therefore, be grateful that you have emerged from that into an environment that you now control.

When you get your first sale it will be one of the best feelings you will experience. So why not show your gratitude by personally contacting that person to say thank you. It will have a lasting impression on you and them.

Create  A Digital Business Blueprint 

You now have the fundamental business mindset skills sets you need. Now let’s look at the practical mindset needed to start a digital business. You may have an idea of a business to you want to start but this needs much more consideration.

The wrong mindset to have would be to just do it and here is why. Is there a demand for what you want to offer? Who will buy your products and services? How much will you charge and how will you fulfil orders?

You will need to do some in depth research to answer all these questions. This is how a professional business owner thinks, not an amateur hobbyist!

You will need a platform to run your online business, and this means having a website. A business owner will investigate the best platforms to use to suit their needs. Have you go the skill sets, or are you willing to learn the skill sets you need, to create your own website?

If not then you will need the services of a professional to get you up and running in the shortest time possible.

You will need to know who your audience is. What pain points are they suffering from? Can you provide the solution and how can you serve them? These are vital questions you need the answers to before you steam forward ahead.

This is just scratching the surface of what is needed to create your digital business blueprint. Fortunately, I have a complete solution that will help you create a bullet proof digital business blueprint. It’s called Build Your AU.

What Is Build Your AU? 

how to have a business mindset

How To Build Your Authenticity, Authority and Audience

If you want to create an online training course, build a business, write an eBook, create an online presence then this is the place to learn how to. It all starts with your story, your journey.

To create a personal brand, you have to become the AUTHOR OF YOUR LIFE and BUILD YOUR AU. There are 3 stages to BUILD YOUR AU

  2. build your AUTHORITY
  3. build your AUDIENCE.

In this ONLINE TRAINING COURSE, you will learn about all 3 stages. The goal is to figure out what your value is, what your story is. The build an audience that will naturally gravitate to you because they connect to your story.

The course includes the following content:

  • Recorded Live Members Weekly Workshops
  • Behind The Scenes With Build Your AU Members
  • Facebook Live Group Videos
  • Interviews with Online Business Owners
  • Recorded Coaching Calls
  • How To Videos

Access to Facebook Group to receive support and guidance

AUTHORITY BUSINESS MODEL –  Get my secret roadmap formula that gets your business idea out of your head in a way that is dead simple… so you can create a powerful online course outline that gets real results. This course will give you AUTHORITY and will attract an AUDIENCE.

To learn more about Build Your AU click here.

You now know how to have a business mindset and you have the resources to get your digital business off the ground. It is over to you to take action and build something that is unique and remarkable.

A life of freedom and choice

Trish Davies

trish davies

Trish Davies International