Boosting Your Self Esteem – Become The Best Version Of Yourself

Feeling down on your luck? Looking for ways on boosting your self esteem? Follow these steps to raise your confidence levels and become the best version of yourself.

Hi Trish Davies here and today the focus is on boosting yourself self esteem. It is a crying shame to see people with low confidence and a sense of no self-worth. If left to fester it can have a serious and detrimental effect on that person’s life forever.

That is why today I want to look at boosting your self esteem. I want to focus on some simple exercises that can have a huge impact on your life both personally and professionally.

Self esteem stems from confidence and there are two sides to the story. Low confidence levels will result in you having low self esteem and high confidence levels will lead to you have high self esteem, I know that sounds an obvious statement but unless someone tells you that you may run the risk of not fully understanding and accepting it.

Down On Your Luck? 

You may be currently down on your luck so to speak and feeling unworthy in many aspects of your life. What I am going to share with you today will dramatically help you regain your confidence and raise your self esteem levels.

On the other hand you may be full of confidence. Therefore what I am going to share will help you keep those levels high. Also it will ensure that complacency doesn’t rear its ugly head.

Having low self esteem and confidence can hold you back from following and achieving the dreams. That is down to a  fear of failing. The fear of failure is a natural reaction that everybody will encounter during their lives. Therefore, so it is good to know that it is not exclusive to you.

Sometimes it is easy to turn away from it and return to your comfort zone. However, the bi-product of doing that is that your confidence levels will stay the same. Therefor you must work on your self-confidence and self esteem.

Once you start to take action you will then be able to overcome those fears and pursue your dreams. One caveat on that though is that as a human being you will still have fears. However, what I am going to share with you will give you the strength to face them head on and beat them to come out the other side.

I hope that statement has already helped you to become more positive about growing as a person. So, let’s crack on and help you raise your self esteem levels right now.

Boosting Your Self Esteem – How You Present Yourself 

boosting your self esteem

What you need to do is to stand in front of the mirror and look at how you appear. This will reflect what other people see. Therefore, and ask yourself do you like what you see? Your self esteem levels will instantly increase if you take the time and effort to groom yourself.

Taking a shower, a long hot bath and having a shave can make a huge difference to how you feel. If you need to get your hair cut and restyled then go out and do it.

Then look at the clothes you wear. Are they getting let’s say a little tired? If so, then go out and get some new threads. This doesn’t mean to say you need to go out and spend thousands.

No quite the opposite as you can get some nice clothes that will make you feel a million dollars.  All that without the price tag to match. By doing these two simple things will start to make you feel like a new you, trust me!

Have A Positive Outlook On Life 

I know sometimes it is hard to get positive about the world that we live in. Especially with all the bad news that we are fed by the worlds media. However, there is also a lot of good in the world so try and concentrate more on this which will help you in your own little world.

You must always think positively to kill any negative thoughts that you may have. Look at them as barriers which can be overcome, and here is an example.

Say for arguments sake that you are training for a long distance run. You start to train and naturally it is hard at first, your body is reacting to something that is unfamiliar. Therefore, your brain will instantly start to tell you that it doesn’t like it and for you to stop.

When this happens replace that negative thought and say to yourself that you can do it as there is only one mile left to run. This will give you the motivation to achieve and it will kill that negative thought.

Another example could be if you were unhappy at work and looked at starting your own business. Initially you may concentrate on the tasks you have to complete to build your business which could overwhelm you. Here you need to focus on how much better your life will be by becoming your own boss compared to how you feel now.

You Must Take Action 

These are just two generic examples. As with anything else in life the thing that compounds positive thinking is taking positive action. This is one of the most important elements to boosting your self esteem. When you take action you learn things about what you are doing, yourself and other people.

Your confidence levels will increase without doubt. You are proving to yourself that you can do things instead of talking yourself out of doing them by saying you can’t. You will soon start to see a significant difference in how you act when looking at things that must be done.

Also, when you talk to other people you will appear positive and authoritative. When it comes to speaking make sure that you speak slowly as you normally would.  This shows confidence as opposed to someone who talks quickly as this shows a lack of confidence.  

Boosting Your Self Esteem – Understand Who You Are 

We all like to think we know who we are but in reality, do we really? Therefore, what I would suggest is that you take some time and get to know yourself. To do this you need to listen to your thoughts and write them. These are thoughts that you have about yourself.

The thoughts that you will have will be both positive and negative. Regarding the negative ones ask yourself why you have them? Then turn them around into positive ones by thinking about your good points. What you can do well and what are the things that you like.

Then think about the limitations that you have set yourself. Are they justified or are they there because that is what you have allowed to be placed there in your mind. Then start to dig as deep as you can to see if your limits can be pushed further. The result will be that you will gain more self confidence and esteem because of what you discover.

Creating The Best Version Of Yourself 

Once you get a true understanding of who you are then you can create the best version of yourself. What I mean is that you will know what your true beliefs are. Also, what principles and values you stand for and the morals that you want to uphold. You will create your golden rules that you live by.

Another thing is to be a good person. Be being kind and generous to both yourself and others. This will improve your own self-image and the image that other people see day to day.

Boosting Your Self Esteem – Set Goals 

goal setting

It is important for you to set goals in life. However, there is a process of doing it whether it is for business or personal reasons. The way to do it is to look at the goal as a whole but not to focus on it as on project.

What I mean is you must break it down into smaller goals. When they are achieved cumulatively the result is the bigger goal will be achieved.

The reason I say this is that it is much easier to achieve small goals rather than shooting for the moon from the outset. When you go for gold as such it puts pressure on you and the risk of failing increases. Whereas setting small ones and then achieving them increases your confidence and self esteem.

Form Habits 

In many respects habits form by how we live our lives. You will have many that you don’t even realise you are doing. For this exercise I don’t want to concentrate on those, but I want you to form a new one, just one.

Just make it very small such as going for a 10-minute walk in the morning. Maybe having a glass of water in the morning to hydrate yourself. The choice is yours and then do it for thirty days without fail. Once you have completed it you will have such a great sense of achievement.

Always Educate Yourself

If there are areas of life that you want to know more about then empower yourself to learn about them. There are thousands of resources available to you and the best place to start is the internet. Also, your local library is free so there is no excuse.

Then implement what you have learnt as I mentioned earlier. Taking action is the greatest thing to do to gain confidence and self esteem. Educating yourself may have been something that you have been thinking about. If that is the case then  it is time to stop procrastinating and get on with it.

What I have shared with you will go a long way in boosting your self esteem. It can help you realise your true and achieve your dreams. Make sure you act upon what I have shared and let me know how you get on by leaving me a comment below.

A life of freedom and choice

Trish Davies

trish davies

Trish Davies International