5 Tips To Get You Started With Coaching and Consulting Business

Looking to start a coaching and consulting business? Follow these tips on how to start a coaching and consulting business online.

Hi Trish Davies here and today I want to share some tips on how to start a coaching and consulting business. In today’s society, it is becoming more and more common to see people turn to a coach or consultant to help them reach their goals.

More and more people are looking for someone who can help them with life problems, in particular career and financial issues. When you become a professional coach or consultant, your services are going to be in demand.

Not only will you have a lot of work, but you’ll also have the opportunity to make a lot of money. Whether your goal is to break into the coaching and consulting field or simply improve your skillset, these five tips may be helpful for you.

Coaching And Consulting Business – 5 Tips To Get You Started

coaching and consulting business

A lot of people start coaching and consulting careers with the intention of making a living. When you have a number of these goals in mind, you can be sure that you’ll have a lot of work on your hands. Here are five tips to help you get started.

First and foremost, make sure that what you’re offering is something that people need. One way to know if your services are needed is to look at the market for this type of service. Are there other coaches or consultants around? If there aren’t many, you should consider starting your own business.

Another tip is to be prepared for the competition with employers who are looking for coaches and consultants. You should also research how much these professionals typically earn. That’s a valuable insight so that when you do start your coaching and consulting career, you’re not too far behind where they are financially speaking.

The next tip is to find an area of expertise that works well with your skillset: For example, if you’re good at teaching but not as good at negotiation tactics, it would make more sense for you to focus on teaching than negotiating tactics.

Finally, research what kind of clients these professionals typically serve, so that when it comes time for hiring new talent or adding new coaches.

What Is A Coach Or Consultant?

Coaches and consultants are professionals who help people achieve their goals. They do this through providing guidance, direction, and feedback on life problems, as well as career issues.

Coaching and consulting are among the fastest growing professions in the world. With more than 12 million people looking for a coach or consultant, it’s likely that you’ll be able to find work in this field if you put your mind to it.

There are many different types of coaching and consulting services. Some of these include:

  • Life Coaching
  • Career Coaching
  • Business Coaching
  • Personal Finance

The Role Of A Coach Or Consultant 

A coach or consultant has the opportunity to help others reach their goals in a wide variety of ways. When you work as a coach, your services are going to be in demand, which means you’re going to make a lot of money. A coach also has the opportunity to provide encouragement and support during challenging periods in someone’s life.

It is important to note that being a coach or consultant is not just about providing advice; it is also about accountability. You need to be able to show people that you care about them by being there when they need you most.

With that said, here are five tips for starting out as a professional coach or consultant:

1) Make sure you can handle the pressure of constantly having clients

2) Make sure your resume reflects what skills you have, not what experience you have.

3) Do some research on successful coaches/consultants so that you can learn from them.

4) Learn how to market yourself in order to grow your business.

5) Put your clients first and make sure they feel comfortable with your services.

Where To Start As A Coach Or Consultant 

consulting business

There are a few different ways to become a professional coach or consultant. You could be an expert in a certain field, like sports or finance, or you may have experience with this type of career and want to share it with others.

Another option is to simply start learning the craft. It can be difficult to get your foot in the door as a coach or consultant without some knowledge. However if you’re willing to put in the work, there’s no limit on what you can accomplish.

Regardless of how you decide to go about it, the first step is always going to be educating yourself on coaching and consulting skills. This will help determine what type of coach or consultant you want to be and give you an idea of how long it’ll take for you to complete your education. In order for people to trust your services, they need to know that you know what you’re doing.

How Much Does Coaching And Consulting Cost? 

The average salary for a coach is between $25,000 and $60,000, and the median salary for a consultant is around $45,000. However, you can make more money than that by setting up your own business or working for an organization with a generous salary structure.

If you want to work as a consultant or coach, you’ll need to invest in some training and certification. There are plenty of options available for you to choose from when it comes to certifications. Some of the common ones include:

  • Certified Business Coach
  • Certified Life Coach
  • Certified Organizational Development Consultant
  • Certified Professional Organizer
  • Certified Professional Hypnotherapist
  • Mindfulness Meditation Teacher
  • Certified NLP Master Practitioner

How To Profit From Coaching And Consulting 

The coaching and consulting industry is growing rapidly, as it offers people the opportunity to make money and improve their skillset.

These tips will help you start your coaching or consulting career in a way that helps you reap the benefits of the industry’s growth.

#1: Establish your marketing strategy

Before you start your business, you need to think about what kind of marketing strategies you’ll use to promote yourself. You can do this by researching other coaches’ websites.

Also by reading articles on how best to market yourself and your services and even interviewing people who are already successful in the field.

This will give you a good idea of what works for others and how you should position yourself.

#2: Build an online presence

Once you have your marketing strategy set up, it’s time to build an online presence for your business. This includes starting a website, setting up social media accounts like Facebook and Instagram.

Also creating email lists for clients and prospective clients and using Google AdWords ads so that people find out about your business from searches.

You can also list both your coaching services as well as your consulting services on sites like Upwork or LinkedIn. That’s so potential clients know where they can find you.

How To Become Successful In Coaching And Consulting 

coaching success

If you’re interested in becoming a professional coach or consultant, there are three key things you need to do.

First, research your industry. Professional coaches and consultants usually have a specialty in one area. Get yourself up-to-date on the skillsets of the coaching and consulting fields so that you know what you’re getting into.

Next, set your goals for the future. Make sure that your goals align with your strengths: Are you going to be focused on business development? Or are you going to focus more on working with individuals?

Whatever it is that interests you about coaching, make sure it’s something you can do well before deciding how to enter the field.

Finally don’t give up even when things get tough. When times get tough, and they will, you’ll find yourself questioning why you got into this whole thing in the first place. You may start thinking about quitting because it seems like nothing is working out as planned. But remember what’s important to you and keep at it!


Advice is like a spider web: the more we get, the more we have to catch. This is true when it comes to the business world, where the presence of a coach or consultant is a must. However, not all strategies are equal.

In this guide, you have learned what it takes to get started. Also how to get started as a coach or consultant, how much it costs, and how to profit.

And for those of you already working in this field, you’ll learn tips on how to become successful in coaching and consulting. If you would like more information on creating a coaching and consulting business check out my free Build Your AU program.

A life of freedom and choice

Trish Davies

trish davies

Trish Davies International