Discover How Developing A Personal Brand Is Central To The Three Pillars That Every Business Needs To Have In Place

An article from Trish Davies that looks at the processes you need to go through when developing a personal brand.

I am very excited because the next series of posts are going to look into developing a personal brand. I host a mastermind experience called Build Your AU which focuses on personal branding. The mastermind group has people from all over the world and from many different backgrounds.

Collectively we are there to help develop our own gifts, talents and experiences into an overall package. A package that consists on creating authority, authenticity and an audience. These are the three pillars that every business needs to give them the best chance of success.

I suppose the word “chance” should not be used as it doesn’t give any guarantees. However, the processes we go through in the mastermind and the systems we create are the closet to any guarantee you can get.

What I can guarantee is that you will discover everything about your inner self. Collaboration with others will be the discovery pill you need as people looking in from the outside unearths your true qualities. You will hear me mention Build Your AU repeatedly because it is what I am truly passionate about. The weekend sessions are like gold dust which develop into nuggets that everyone benefits from.

Last weekends session helped me develop a road map which clearly outlines developing a personal brand. Anyone can be in business, but you are only truly in business if you develop that recognition. Your brand is that recognition by your peers and your audience.

So today I am going to give you an overview of the road map below. Then over the coming days and weeks I will dissect each pillar from the centre outwards.


Developing a personal brand

A 35,000 Feet View Of Developing A Personal Brand

As you can see your personal brand is central to three main pillars. They are authenticity, authority and finally audience. As a business owner these are your focus but to really grasp how important they are I want you to take a step back. What I want you to do is think about your own behaviour when it comes to who you do business with.

It could be a local business which you visit frequently or maybe you have your favourites online. Then look at more of the international worldwide businesses that you part with your hard-earned money.

Ask yourself what makes you want to deal with these establishments? What makes you choose them over their competitors? I am sure that if you study the road map above you will find many of the answers to these questions. Answers that ultimately drive you to make the decisions that you make.

These three pillars are what we concentrate on within the Build Your AU mastermind. However, there are three other words that hold just as much significance. They are know, like and trust which is what a consumer must have when they pull out their credit card. I am sure that you can relate to this but now you are on the other side of the table.

You want your customers to have the know, like and trust factor about you and your business. You will establish that when you have the three pillars in place which ultimately develops your brand.

Showing Your Authenticity


So, the first pillar I am going to briefly overview is authenticity. When it comes to authenticity there is no grey area because you are either real or fake. Obviously, you want to concentrate on the former because making out you are someone you are not will bring you down.

No one likes a scam artist or liar, but everyone likes someone who is prepared to expose themselves. Showcase your success but equally highlight your frailties and failures.

Your purpose will define you as a human being along with what you stand for and what your values are. Overall this completes the full package of you as a person because It makes up your story. As I have said I will go over all these factors in depth over the next few weeks. For now, I just want you to start thinking about how this road map affects you.

How Do You Show Your Authority?

So, your authority is your standing within your field. Again, look at your areas of interest and who you follow but more importantly why you follow them. You will need to create that kudos around yourself for other people to look up to. Don’t worry if at the moment you think you lack authority as Build Your AU will showcase it.

Another thing about authority is having a virtual physical presence. I know that sounds a bit strange, but you can have a physical authoritative presence through virtual platforms.

On those platforms you can then publish your message. Again, don’t worry about what your message is at the moment as we will craft it and show how to deliver it. Overall you want to establish an authority business model and we will show you just how to create it.

You Need Your Own Group


You need your own group of loyal band of fans that take notice of you. More importantly you need them to act upon what you say.

So how do you achieve this? Well it is all about defining who is aligned to you to help you build your network. You do this by generating interest which we call leads which after time you nurture into your fan base.

The only way to generate these leads is by exposure and in the world of commerce it means advertising. As we live in a digital world this involves online advertising and much of your advertising material is going to come from the first two pillars. The reason is because you will become more believable so people can relate to you. Again, we go back to the know, like and trust factor.

That is the overview of Build Your AU. The processes we go through and the principles we teach will help you in developing a personal brand. To learn more head over here where the program is broken down in much finer detail. I very much look forward to meeting you on one of the masterminds soon. For now, make sure you come back over the next few weeks as I will be going into more detail about each pillar.

A life of freedom and choice

trish davies

Trish Davies International