Why Developing A Positive Mindset Will Help Transform Your Life

Much in life you receive depends on your mindset. Therefore, developing a positive mindset will take you from where you are now to where you want to be.

I am a great believer in positive thinking because it can make your life so much better. Developing a positive mindset will instantly attract you to other people. They will want to get to know you and be around you.

Look at how you react around other people. The chances are that you give a wide berth to negative people if you see them walking down the street. That’s because you don’t want to engage in something that will bring you down to their level. It will  and spoil your day.

On the other hand, when you see someone who is positive you make a beeline to them. You will make the effort to go over and see them because you want to say hello to them.

Benefits Of Developing A Positive Mindset 

Developing a positive mindset makes you more confident in everything you do. You tend to embrace any challenges and have a great sense of satisfaction when you achieve success.

Positivity also lends itself to establishing better moods. That makes you more productive. When you are in a bad mood  you just want people to stay out of our way and you don’t give 100%.

Being in a good mood is also great for your wellbeing. You are less stressful so the risk of developing severe health issues are reduced.

Positivity leads to the increase of power that you have inside of you. Hence the saying of “the power of positive thinking” but how can you develop this positive mindset?

I want to share with you my take on developing a positive mindset. This will help you become much more positive in everything that you do these insights are easy to implement.

Developing A Positive Mindset – Every Morning Is A New Opportunity

developing a positive mindset

There are not many things that are guaranteed in life. However, wherever you are in the world the sun will rise and morning breaks. This is the best time of day, and each morning is an opportunity for you to do something that will leave a mark on this world.

How you are in the morning does leave a lasting effect on how your day pans out. Therefore, a positive mood gives you the best chance to have a positive day and vice versa. So how can you start the day in a good mood.

Well firstly you can get a good night’s sleep. We all need rest, and the recommendation is between 6 – 8 hours’ sleep This gives your body the chance to recover from the day before.

Getting up at a reasonable hour helps as well. There is nothing positive about getting up at 10.00am because you have wasted half of the morning. The saying “the early bird catches the worm” comes to mind so get up bright and early.

When you get up tell yourself that this is going to be a good day. You can either repeat it over in your head for a minute or look in your mirror and tell yourself that out loud.

At first you may feel uncomfortable doing this, but it really helps you get off to the best start possible. What you could also do is have positive quotes sent to you through your mobile devices to your social media feeds.

Ones that are accompanied with images have a great affect. There are many platforms online that you can subscribe to and receive these positive affirmations.

Embrace Obstacles And Roadblocks 

Life is not perfect unless you look at it with rose tinted glasses! You will face challenges every day of your life. Developing a positive mindset will help you face these hurdles face on.

An example may be that if you live in a country that experiences bad weather in the winter. This stops you getting to work but you could at how you can do some of that work at home. Covid-19 has certainly challenged us all to become more adaptable.  

Maybe you have a business appointment cancelled at the last moment, which is annoying. However, it will gives you time to follow up with another lead, one that potentially bring in a lot of business. Always look for the positive points in something.

Developing A Positive Mindset – Always Try To Laugh


This is closely related to the previous point. Try and laugh about things that go wrong. You may feel that things always happen to you. At that point you sometimes just have to laugh it off, otherwise you will end up crying.

Try and turns things into a story that you can tell your mates down the pub. Then you can all have a laugh about it. Sometimes laughing is the best medicine!

Failing Can Become A Positive

You may think that is a stupid thing to say, well it’s not. I really hate the word failure as it can be so destructive so try and look at it from this point of view. If you try and do something but it doesn’t work out then don’t look at it as though you have failed.

Look at it as though you have learnt how not to do it. You haven’t failed you have learnt something that could become a very valuable life skill.

When you look at it this way it is much easier not to do the same thing again. Also, you won’t have beaten yourself up about it at the same time.

Always Speak In The Positive 

It is very easy to talk yourself down as sometimes we are our own worst critics. You may be trying something completely new. It could be a new sport, a new hobby or you are thinking about launching a new business.

It is very easy to say, “I can’t do it” where you should be saying “I can do it and I am going to learn how”. Straight away you are giving yourself belief which is the most important factor anyone can have. If you don’t believe then you have no chance.

Closely related to the previous point of failing you may say that you were “stupid doing something that way”. What you should say is “never mind, that did not work as planned but it will next time”.

The Time Is Now 

the time is now

The past is the past and there is nothing you can do to change it so don’t even go there. Likewise, the future is something that has not happened but what you do now in this moment could have a great influence on it. You must think in the moment and what is happening right now.

You may be in a dodgy situation so what positive thing can you do right now to turn the tables back in your favour. Always live in the present, you can certainly make plans and goals for the future but what you do now will determine the outcome of those goals.

The past has gone so let it go!

Developing A Positive Mindset – Find Positive People

It is very important to surround yourself with positive people. When it comes to making friends don’t get involved with negative people. The ones who are constantly moaning about life, other people and seem to have a chip on their shoulder about something or other.

Look to form relationships with people who are always optimistic. People who can only find positive things to say, have ambition and a clear vision of what they want in life. This will definitely rub off on you.

At work steer clear from the people who don’t have anything good to say about the company or their job. Form friendships with people who love what they are doing. People who are enthusiastic and only have good to say about their fellow co-workers.

These are people who will have your back when you need them and then return the favour if needed.

Mentorship is a very valuable thing to look for. Mentors come in all shapes and sizes whether in your personal or professional life. A mentor is someone who can give you guidance when you need it. They are people who know what they are talking about and are only interested in helping you evolve as a person.

They have no hidden agenda and will always give it to you straight even if you don’t like what they say. You must understand that they are doing it for your benefit. You are the one who will emerge as the best version of yourself.

Look for proven and credible people.

I hope that you have taken value from my insights on developing a positive mindset. If you need any help or clarification on anything that I have shared with you then please feel free leave a comment below.

A life of freedom and choice

Trish Davies

trish davies

Trish Davies International