Escaping The Rat Race: How To Quit Your Job And Create A Life You Love

The rat race is something that we are conditioned to take part of from an early age. There are alternatives though and escaping the rat race is possible.

Hi Trish Davies here from Trish Davies International & Build Your AU. Escaping the rat race seems to be a phrase that is banded around. However what does that mean?

What do you think when you hear the word ‘rat race’? Do you think of whack-a-mole, lab rats, or something more sinister? Probably the latter.

The phrase ‘rat race’ is not usually a positive one. It implies somewhere there are lots of rats scurrying about trying to eke out an existence as best they can.  Probably by eating one another!

However what if we looked at the concept of the rat race from another angle? Instead of viewing it as a negative connotation, what if we thought of it as an opportunity to break free? To break free from our run-of-the-mill 9-to-5 job and create a life that has meaning and purpose.

We may not be able to see many happy lab rats right now although maybe they are just keeping a low profile. However after reading this article you should know how to quit your job and create your own version of a life you love.

Escaping The Rat Race – Why Creating A Life You Love Is So Important 

escaping the rat race

Why is it so important to create a life you love?

When we are working at jobs we don’t love, it can be incredibly difficult to be happy. We may find that we are constantly struggling with low energy levels and feeling like we are running on empty.

If we allow it, a job we don’t love can easily take over and become the central focus of our lives. When this happens, it can be easy to lose track of the things we love and be left with precious little time to spend on the things that really matter to us.

When we are working at a job that is truly a passion, it tends to be easier to be happy. If we are doing something that really interests us, it tends to be more rewarding and engaging.

It also tends to bring in more money which is great for the bank balance but also for the sense of fulfilment it brings.

Instead of spending 40+ hours a week in a job that you find monotonous and unfulfilling  you have an opportunity. On opportunity to spend that time doing something that really excites you.

This allows you to be more creative and to bring more of yourself to everything you do, which allows you to be more fulfilled. The more fulfilled you are, the happier you are likely to be.

What Does It Mean To Have A Life You Love? 

When you have a life you love, you are doing everything you can to make your dreams a reality. You are working the hours you want to work, pursuing the things that interest you and spending time with the people you love the most.

You are also likely to be working in a field or industry that you truly care about. It is important to note that having a life you love means more than just having a job you love.

To have a life you love means also to have a healthy balance between work and play. Also to be surrounded by people you love.

How To Quit Your Job & Start Living A Life You Love 

In order to quit your job and start living a life you love, there are a few things you need to do first. The first step is to figure out what you actually love doing.

This may sound like an easy question to answer, but it can be surprisingly difficult. If you are currently working a job that you dislike, it is likely that you have been telling yourself for a while that you need to quit.

Therefore you may have been ruminating on what you want to do next for years. This can make it difficult to come up with something new that excites you. To help you break out of this rut, there are a few different methods you can try.

The first is to list out all of your interests and passions. This can help you to get all of the ideas out of your head and down onto paper, which can make it easier to see the connections between them.

The next step is to brainstorm how each of these could be turned into a career. This may sound like a lot of work, but it doesn’t have to be that hard. All you need to do is let your imagination run wild and see where it takes you.

Start A Business On The Side 

If you are struggling to find something that really excites you, you can always try starting a business on the side. This is a great way to test out what really interests you, to gain some real-world experience and to make some extra money.

If you do it right, it is also a great way to quit your job and start living a life you love. Once you have identified something that really interests you, the first thing you need to do is to make sure that you have the time and energy to commit to it.

You don’t want to start a business on the side and then get so busy with it that you can’t commit to your ‘real’ job. After that, it is just a matter of finding a way to get started.

Take Time To Travel & Explore Your Interests Before Quitting Your Job 


Another great way to identify what you really love is to spend time traveling and exploring your interests. If you have always wanted to travel but have never had the chance, this is a great opportunity.

You can travel in a way that allows you to try new things and get to know yourself better. You can try new hobbies, visit places of historical significance. Or even just read some books that you have always wanted to read but never had the chance to pick up.

You can also take this opportunity to get involved with things that you have always been interested in but never had the chance to fully explore.

This can help you to get a better idea of what you are really passionate about and what you would like to do with your career.

Escaping The Rat Race – Bottom Line

The bottom line is that you need to quit your job and start living a life you love. You need to do this because otherwise you risk wasting your life in a career that doesn’t excite you.

You also risk allowing your job to take over and become the central focus of your life, which can be incredibly harmful to your mental health. So what do you have to do to quit your job and create a life you love?

Well, first you have to figure out what you love doing. Then you have to brainstorm ways to make that happen, take time to travel and explore your interests and finally quit your job and make it happen for real.

This is the formula for escaping the rat race.

Trish Davies

trish davies

Trish Davies International