So it really does vary from individual to individual in terms of how long it takes to get set up with their SFM business and their understanding of the business model and the way that they can earn money, it does vary.

It took me the first 12 months to get my traditional consulting business online. I did the training and then I videoed myself to create a training package. My affiliate business took only 2 months and that was in between working my traditional business. However, I’d say on average it’s around the two (2) week mark and just to sort of give you some clarity in terms of the process, there’s several modules that you’re going to’ work through.

Predominantly there’s five (5) modules to getting yourself in a position to being set up and ready to earn money online. And within those modules there’s a few live training courses that you’re going to attend and there are recordings available if you really can’t make the live trainings. But we do our very best to insist that you do everything you can to attend live, because it gives you the opportunity to join in on the call­ if you wish. You can mute yourself out if you prefer but if you want any of your questions answered you can either type them in or you can come out live and ask your questions. There’s a huge amount of learning to be said for being around other people who are getting started and hearing their questions­ I think it really accelerates the learning process.

And the actual modules themselves, there’s around twenty (20) hours of video. I’d say typically, a lot of the members spend around two (2) hours a day often around work commitments and family, on the modules themselves. But I will say this, and that is I really would look at this as a little bit more of a marathon than a sprint.

If I was to say there’s twenty (20) hours of video, some of you might say, “Well I can do that in a couple of days so I will sit down and I will do ten (10) hours each day.” But that really isn’t the spirit behind the training that we have here. We want to walk you through a reasonable pace, so first of all, the knowledge can sink in but also so we can provide you additional support around that process.

And I’ll say this, you know in the grand scheme of things it is a couple of weeks­ two (2), whether it be three (3) or even four (4) weeks­ of your life to get set up the right way. Eventually you could be putting yourself in a situation of having a life of total freedom and flexibility where you’re running a successful online business.

So don’t put too much pressure on yourself. The system is going to’ guide you in terms of the sort of things that you should be working on and how long you should be spending. And you’re going to have a lot of support along the way and like I said ­ it’s more of a marathon than a sprint in this instance.