How To Get Motivated In Life & Achieve Goals You Set

Do you know how to get motivated in life? What is motivation? How can you achieve the goals you have set? Read on to discover the answers!

Hi Trish Davies here and today my objective is to show you how to get motivated in life. Then to help you stay motivated and achieve the goals that you have set.

Motivation stems from persons needs and desires. That motivation then leads then to taking actionable steps which creates a behaviour. When you see positive results you will then want to repeat that behaviour.

How To Get Motivated In Life – Examples Of What Could Motivate You To Take Action 

how to get motivated in life

Motivation To Become Healthy 

These desires and needs can occur from a multitude of different situations. The first can come from your personal circumstances and a great example of this would be your health.

You have put on weight and there can be many triggers for this happening. Loss of a loved one, the breakdown of a relationship or you have lost your job. Therefore, you find yourself comfort eating. It is not until you start to feel out of breath when walking and unfit do you notice what has happened.

The motivation then is to improve your health. If you don’t then you will be facing some serious health issues in the future such as diabetes and high blood pressure. You also become self-conscious and worry about how other people look at you. This then leads to anxiety, worry and stress which again is not good for your health.

So, the desire and motivation would be to get fit and lose the weight. The actionable steps would be to eat more healthier and start to exercise. Therefore, you would buy some healthy eating recipe books and join your local gym.

You then formulate a plan of action on you daily diet and how many times a week you will exercise. Once you start to see positive results after a week or so you sustain the motivation to repeat the behaviour. That behaviour is a result of the habits that you have formed.

Quitting A Bad Habit 

Another example would be if you are a smoker and you have said to yourself that you will give up one day. However, those days run into weeks, months and years and you never do anything about it.

Then something happens that shocks you into doing something about it when your doctor says that unless you give up you will be dead in 12 months. That would motivate you!

The desire is to carry on living and the need is to stop putting poison into your lungs. Also, your motivation would be to see your children grow up, so you will do anything to make sure that happens.

Potions, pills, patches and hypnosis. You will try anything and once the craving subsides, your taste buds come back to life and you can smell fresh air instead of nicotine. You now have the motivation to never put another cigarette between your lips.

How To Get Motivated In Life Through Money & Wealth 

money and wealth

Money and wealth is another thing that causes motivation. You are struggling to make ends meet. At the end of the month and you know that you need to generate more income, so you become motivated to find ways to do it.

This may result in you having to take on an additional job in the evenings and weekends. This is great at first because you now have enough money to pay your bills. However, you then realise that you don’t see the family as much.

This means that your desire and need has now changed so wanting to spend more time with you family. Therefore, you are motivated to setting up a home business. This means you can be around the family at the same time as earning a living.

The actionable step would be to find a home business solution, then learn the process to run it. Once you see money go into your account you would want to scale that business up. Your desired outcome would be to eventually quit your day job and be at home all the time.

Then you find yourself at home all the time but your spouse still has to go out to work 40 – 50 hours a week. You then become guilty. Your motivation would then be to scale the business even more to retire your spouse or work together.

Emotions Drive Motivation 

Motivation to do things also comes from the content that we consume through the media. Newspapers, television, radio and printed material that comes through your letterbox. This information often relates to world disasters, humanitarian issues and charitable organisations who are all asking for help.

This obviously tugs at the heart strings, so you feel passionate and duty bound to do something to help. Actionable steps would be to contact these organisations, organise events to raise money. Or to contribute your own money in the form of a donation. When you see that your help is getting to the areas that need it will then give you extra motivation to do more and involve others.

What Are Your Desires And Needs 

It is time for you to look at your circumstances. What are your strongest desires and needs and is it possible for you to achieve them by doing what you are doing now? Or do you need to change things.

A great exercise is to take some time and write down what you would like your ideal day to look like. Is it spending time with your loved ones or friends? Doing your favourite pastimes? Or it is a combination of the both?

Then scale it up a little bit and visualise your ideal week. If you woke up on a Monday morning what would you like to do and accomplishment by the end of Sunday night.

Then look at the bigger picture and imagine your ideal world. It may be peace for all mankind, no poverty and everyone living an abundant life. I know that this is something that you can’t do alone but if your motivation is that high then you can find resources to help.

Motivation – What If You Can’t Find The Motivation 

lack of motivation

There will be times when you lack motivation. The good news is that there are many resources you can call upon for the help you need. There are many motivational speakers on the circuit and each of them have published books which look at motivation in a lot more detail. These books can be purchased in a physical edition along with digital versions that can be read on your favourite e-reader.

Also, there are many audio books as some people prefer this way to consume their content. It is as though someone is speaking to you personally, so you can sit back and relax free from all other distractions.

A lot of these speakers also have their own podcast stations. If you are not familiar with this term a podcast is like a radio station where you can tune in for live episodes or catch up on the latest recording.

What could really help you is to attend in person the many seminars that are on the circuit. Here you can meet the speakers, network with the other attendees and form lifelong friendships and relationships.

Many people swear by these as there is nothing like being in a conference room for the atmosphere and energy that is transmitted.

I have attended many seminars for different reasons. The common thing is that once you emerge from these seminars your energy and motivation levels are at their highest. You have an overwhelming sense of momentum to take action on what you have heard.

Then you get caught along a wave of optimism that gets bigger and bigger. You have the feeling that you can achieve anything you want if you put your mind to it and commit.

Ever Thought Of Meditation? 

Another technique to try and find your motivation is to start the day with a 15-minute meditation session. This is your time of the day to get totally encapsulated in your thoughts. After that a great way to get the energy levels up is to go for a morning run or have an exercise routine in your home.

This get the blood pumping and the oxygen flowing through your body. It will give you the shot in your arm that you may need.

How To Get Motivated In Life Recap 

Everything stems from your desires and needs so you must be clear and concise on what they are. Then you need to plan, take action and then it is a rinse and repeat process. This is the process on how to get motivated in life.

I hope this article on motivation has given you ideas on how to get motivated in life. Once you know this you can fulfil your desires, needs and achieve your goals. I wish you every success.

A life of freedom and choice

Trish Davies

trish davies

Trish Davies International