Your Must Capture Your Customers Attention So Learn How To Improve Storytelling For Your Business To Create That Connection

Your story is what your ideal customer will relate to so this article from Trish Davies shows you how to improve storytelling.

In general, your business will reflect you as a person. Behind every person is a story so as a business owner you must tell your story to the world. The key is to get your message in front of the people who will relate to you. Therefore, it is important to learn how to make that connection. What I am going to share with you is a simple formula on how to improve storytelling for your business.

I am going to share with you five elements that you must focus on while telling your story. Then I will share with you a simple three stage structure that these elements fall into. Hopefully by then you will have total clarity on how to create your stories to build that eternal customer base.

how to improve storytelling

How To Improve Storytelling – Cast Your Bait And Hook Them In

For a moment think about your own habits and what makes you read an article or watch a video. In all probability it will be something that makes you take notice and something that stands out. It could be a simple headline or eye-catching image, but this is what we refer to as a hook.

Obviously, the analogy is a fish swimming and it sees something that creates curiosity. In this case it could be something wriggling or something that looks appealing. It then goes to it, takes a bite and the hook takes effect so it can’t get away.

As a business owner you must create this environment for your business. You must grab the attention but also create a sense of curiosity, so people feel compelled to learn more. Then they will bite by clicking on the add or headline for your article or video. That is when you have them hooked but it doesn’t stop there.

The hook is what they bite on, but you must put meat on the bone for them to chew on.

Your Story Must Have Purpose To It Otherwise You Are Wasting Their Time

The most important thing to remember is that there is a real person on the end of your hook. Time is one of the most precious things that we all have so you must not waste your visitors time. It is something they will never get back so you must give them a great experience.

This comes from having a purpose to your story and this applies to ever piece of content that you create. Your article, video, book or podcast must have purpose other wise it will fall on deaf ears. The upshot of this is you will lose that person forever because they have got nothing out of it.

How To Improve Storytelling – Timing Is Everything

There are two sides to the timing of your story. The first is through the previous point of the purpose of your story. It must be congruent with the present, meaning it must reflect something that is happening within your business.

You may be launching a new product or service, but your back story is what you are using to sell it. So, it is a hybrid of a new service with your history and how it has helped you. This is something I will come onto in just a moment.

The other side to timing relates to your reader or audience. The perfect storm is in the old saying of “right place, right time”. You will usually attract the right person because they are experiencing a problem and looking for a solution.

They come across your hook, then go on to read your story and act. Sometimes people will come across you, but it is not the right time for them to go all in. But if you have given them a good experience through the purpose of your story it will be something that they remember. There is every chance they will come back to you later in time when the time is right for them.

Make Sure You Can Walk The Walk

Your audience must see proof of your claims. It is very easy to tell a story and unfortunately many business owners make things up. When they do it often comes back to haunt them and expose them as a fraud. Bad reputations are formed and easily shared within the digital space that we all live.

You must back up your story with cold hard evidence. Don’t make anything up but show proof in every minute detail of your successes. Back them up with testimonials of satisfied customers when you have them. Always be totally transparent and don’t muddy the waters. I think that is enough said on this!

Express The Benefits You Have Experienced

This closely follows on from the previous points, but it is something that you can expand on. Once you have shown your audience the proof, tell them how it has changed your life. What are the benefits you have experienced to create that sense of desire within them?

You want your audience to feel that they want a piece of what you have so they have the same experience. People relate to people which causes emotions to run high which causes people to react.

Storytelling Structure

There is a simple structure to follow when developing your story. You first must hold the interest of your audience through your hook and introduction to your story.

Your story will help build a relationship with your audience because they will start to relate to you. Then the trust factor will start to kick in which will lead them to take action.

Your call to action is the solution that you are offering which will benefit their lives and provide conclusion.

Develop Your Story Through My Build Your AU Mastermind

At the end of the day you know what you story is because it is your history. The problem you may have is not knowing how to develop that story into a message for your ideal audience.

This is where my Build Your AU Mastermind can help. I can help you identify your true talents and gifts within a safe and secure environment. We have a community of people who are connecting with their audience through their own stories.

We mastermind with each other every week and it is a continual learning experience of developing as a person. We discuss ideas and solutions that you can use within your business. The power of this is that you can benefit from others and provide value back to them.

I will help create a customized plan for you which you will then act on the coaching that you receive. All your results are tracked so that you keep on the correct path for success.

I empower you to learn more about how this experience will help you and your business grow. That is the reason for creating a series of previous mastermind sessions where you can see us in action. Click on the image below and register for the video series so you can start today.

storytelling for business workshop

If you follow our path, then we will show you how to improve storytelling within you marketing strategies. You will connect with the right people for your business and your business will evolve. Register now for the video series by clicking the image above.

A life of freedom and choice.

trish davies

Trish Davies International