How To Leave A Job You Hate: The Keys To Getting Out Of A Job You Don’t Love

Do you dread going to work? Are you looking for a way to get out of your job. Read on to discover how to leave a job you hate.

Hi Trish Davies here, founder of Trish Davies International & Build Your AU. Today I want to help you get out of the working environment you are currently in.

You are on this webpage because your job is dragging you down. With that in mind I am going to share with you some tips on how to leave a job you hate.

For many people, work can feel like a prison sentence rather than something that brings fulfilment and meaning to life. In fact, a Gallup poll from 2016 discovered that only 17% of Americans are currently employed in a job that they love. I am sure that can be echoed around the world.

If you’re one of the unfortunate majority who despise your daily grind and are looking for ways to get out of a job you hate as fast as possible, read on for some helpful advice.

If you think about your ideal job, chances are it involves doing something you love every day with people you also love.

So if your current situation is far removed from that description, how do you leap out of the career hell you’ve boxed yourself into?

Here are some tips to help you leave the job you hate and land something better in the process.

How To Leave A Job You Hate – Decide What You Want From Your Job 

how to leave a job you hate

The first step to leaving a job you hate is to really think about what you want from your next position.

  • Do you want to work in a specific industry?
  • Are you looking to work remotely or in an office setting?
  • Do you want to work a specific number of hours per week?
  • What is your ideal salary?

Make a list of everything you’d like to see in your next job. These goals can help you create a job search strategy that will put you in a position to get the best job possible.

Certain industries are better suited to people with specialized skills, while other industries may be more flexible with their requirements.

You can also create a more customized resume that emphasizes your skills and experience in a way that makes you an attractive candidate.

Network, Network, Network 

Networking is a tried-and-true way to find a new job, especially if you’re in a competitive field or work in a specialized industry. You can connect with people in your industry through conferences, online forums, and social events.

You can also try reaching out to people you’ve worked with in the past. Or people you’ve met through your current job who may be in a position to help you find a new job.

One study even found that job seekers who networked were three times more likely to find employment compared to those who didn’t.

Why? Because networking opens the door to people who can refer you to job openings. Those people can give you valuable career advice, or even hire you themselves.

Take Care Of Yourself 

If you’re working in a job that you hate, chances are you’re not taking care of yourself in the ways you should be. Perhaps you’re working long hours, eating unhealthy food, and not getting enough sleep.

All of these things can have a negative effect on your health and ability to be productive at work.

Want to quit your job but don’t have a plan? These are all signs that you need to take better care of yourself.

Start eating better, exercising more, and getting more sleep. One thing you should do to take care of yourself and help ease the transition into a new job is to get a therapist.

You don’t have to be at the end of your rope to see a therapist. In fact, some therapists recommend seeing one when you first feel like you need a change in your life.

Seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness.

Find Out Why You Don’t Like Your Job 

If you already know that you hate your job, you might be wondering how to leave a job you hate. One important thing to do is to figure out why you don’t like your job.

This will help you figure out what you want in your next job and help you qualify for different types of jobs once you do leave your current position.

For example, if you work in a retail or restaurant setting and you don’t like your job because you don’t like dealing with the public.

Therefore you could work remotely as a virtual assistant and avoid having to interact directly with customers.

Or if you work in marketing and you don’t like your job because you don’t feel like you’re making a difference in the world. then take some time to figure out what you want to do instead.

Maybe you want to be a social worker and help people who have it worse than you.

Write A Resume & Make An Employment Plan 

employment resume

If you know that you want to leave your job but don’t know what your next steps are, take some time to write a resume and make an employment plan.

In many cases, you can apply for jobs while you’re still employed.

Some employers don’t mind if you apply to other jobs, as long as you’re upfront about it and don’t attempt to hide your intentions.

You may even be able to negotiate with your current employer for a better deal by showing them that you have other options.

Get A New Job (While You’re Still Employed)

If you know that you want to leave your current job but don’t know what you want to do next, it can be helpful to get another job first.

This new job can be a way for you to gain experience in a new field and transition out of your current job without having to worry about money.

Some fields, like law and medicine, have internship programs that allow you to work in that industry and get paid while gaining experience.

You can also look for remote jobs that allow you to do the same thing while staying in your current city.

Getting a new job while you’re still employed will also help you transition out of your current job without burning bridges. This can make it easier to leave in the future.

You’ll also be able to use your new job as a bargaining tool when negotiating your exit from your current employer.

How To Leave A Job You Hate – Conclusion 

No one should have to spend their life in a job they hate. Life is too short to spend eight hours a day in a place that makes you feel miserable.

If you feel like you’re stuck in a horrible job and have no way out, don’t lose hope. There are ways to leave a job you hate, even if you don’t have another job lined up yet.

The most important thing is to not get stuck in a cycle of negativity. If you’re feeling trapped in a bad situation, take some time to reflect on what you’d like to change.

With some careful planning, you can find a job that you love and be happy again.

Trish Davies

trish davies

Trish Davies International