Discover How To Make The Right Decision In Life, A Decision That Could Change Your Life!

Life is guided by the decisions that you make but how do you know how to make the right decision in life that could have life changing consequences?

Hi Trish Davies here from & I came across an article that states on average you make 35,000 remotely conscious decisions each day. That is a staggering statistic and the thing to remember is that all of those decisions have consequences attached!

Obviously, there is a mixture of good and bad decisions within your average daily quota. The good ones we enjoy the benefits from making them and the bad ones, well that is a matter of learning from them.

Now the level of importance differs when it comes to making decisions. A simple decision could be which pair of shoes to wear or what you will have for dinner that evening. Mid-level decisions could be where to go on holiday or maybe upgrading the car.

Then you have somewhat life changing decisions such as changing your career, maybe starting a business. Or maybe it is relocating which could be buying a new house or moving to another part of the country or internationally. More on this subject shortly.

Each decision you make poses you a dilemma to think about. The small ones really have little consequence, but the big ones can keep you awake all night. Are you doing the right thing, what if this happens, what if that happens. Anxiety can creep in which could spiral into a spell of turmoil.

I want to focus on the big decisions today and share with you some insights on how to make the right decision in life.

Understand What A Decision Is 

how to make the right decision in life

Before I look at how to make the right decision in life you must understand what a decision is. If you think about it a decision can cause a chain reaction. For example, if you out for the night you may have a drink.

You have your favourite tipple and because you enjoy it and are having a good time you have another. Then another and so on. What happens then is you start to get a little bit merry, then the headache sets in and then you wake up dehydrated and with a hangover.

You then decide to have a paracetamol or ibuprofen to quell the pain and vow never to do that again. The thing is you do, which is another decision you make which could cause the same chain reaction. Or you could have a diet coke, still enjoy yourself and wake up as fresh as a daisy!

That chain rection principle can be applied to any decision you make. I just wanted to make you aware of it because it is something that often we forget about.

Listen To Your Gut If You Want To Make The Right Decision In Life 

You, I, and everyone who has ever lived has had a gut reaction or feeling. This is an instinct that you feel and most times it proves to be right. There are occasions when it is wrong, but your gut reaction often has a bearing on what decision you make.

I think the most powerful thing about going with your gut is that you are decisive, you are not afraid to make the decision. It also saves a hell of a lot of time which is the most precious thing you have next to living and breathing.

You can’t get time back and sometimes you can be guilty of analysis by paralysis. Spending too much time over analysing and then eventually talking yourself out of things.

Make Sure You Always Follow Through 

Anyone who knows me will tell you that I am an action taker. If I decide to do something, then I always follow through and take action. There is no point deciding to do something and then leave it hanging in fresh air, nothing is ever achieved by doing this.

So, you must take action on the decisions that you make otherwise nothing will change in your life. If you feel you are in a dead-end job, then get a different one or start your own business.

Create a plan, take action, follow through because it will make you a more confident person. It will help you when your next life changing decision has to be made.

Don’t Keep It To Yourself 


When you make a life changing decision then tell the people who matter to you. Don’t keep it to yourself because it will motivate you to follow through. It makes you accountable for the statement you have put out there.

This is what I have recently done which you can find out about by watching the video at the bottom of this post. Fist I obviously told my family then I made it public by putting it on YouTube. Then I shared it with my exclusive membership program in Build Your AU.

I now have a timeframe in place, it is all systems go and it is a life changing decision for me. As I said watch the video when you have finished reading this post.

You Won’t Be Right All The Time 

I mentioned earlier that you will make bad decisions, that is just natural and part of life. You, I, and the next person are not perfect so you must accept your imperfections.

The most important thing about making bad decisions is learning from them and not doing it again. It is important to look at the process you went through when making that decision. What could you have done different and implement that in your next decision. Don’t see it as failure, you look at it as part of life’s learning curve.

Enjoy Making Decisions 

Above all enjoy making decisions and have fun doing so. When you make life changing decisions it usually means that you are putting the wheels in motion to make life better.

There will be benefits from the decisions that you make so make sure you enjoy the decision-making process. Visualise how your life will change for the better, the benefits you and your family will receive.

You will have nerves and apprehension, but you will become excited about the new opportunities you will encounter. That leads me nicely onto my own life changing decision that I have made very recently.

There was a lot of soul searching, pulling at the heart strings which has led to excitement. I know I have made the right decision so let me tell you all about it in the video below.

I have shared with you how to make the right decision in life. Now it is over to you to use these insights in your own decision-making process. If you would like any further assistance or advice on decision making please leave a comment below and I will get back to a.s.a.p.

A life of freedom and choice

Trish Davies

trish davies

Trish Davies International