How To Spot Business Opportunities: Tips to Help You Find Success

Looking for a business opportunity but can’t spot one? Here are some tips on how to spot business opportunities and take control of your future.

Hi Trish Davies here and today I am going to show you how to spot business opportunities. Thinking about starting your own business? Wondering whether or not you’ve found a good business opportunity?

There are many factors to consider when deciding whether or not to start a new business. You want to create an idea that solves a problem for customers. The idea must be realistic, and you have the skills and resources to start it.

This can be a lot of work, but this blog will reveal five tips from an entrepreneur who has been there before. If you follow these tips, you may find yourself with your very own successful business soon!

How To Spot Business Opportunities – Focus On Solving A Problem 

how to spot business opportunities

The difference between a good business opportunity and an idea that will never come to life is solving a problem for customers.

I often hear people say, “I need an idea”. However the truth is the idea isn’t as important as making sure you’re solving a problem for your customers. The best businesses find ways to solve problems that no one else is addressing.

I like to ask myself, “What’s the problem this business solves?” Make sure your ideas are solving problems that matter to your customers, not just something you think will work.

Find An Idea That Is Realistic & You Have The Resources To Start 

Ideas are endless. It’s not enough to have just the idea, though. You have to have the resources to start it: skills, time, money, etc.

The idea can’t be too complicated or expansive for you to execute. It also has to solve some kind of problem or fulfil a need that people have.

For example, if you want to start a bakery. You might come up with an idea like selling donuts by using social media and offering delivery service in certain areas. This is realistic because it fulfils a need (donuts) and it’s within your means/skill set (baking donuts and marketing them through social media).

Another idea might be opening a yoga studio in an area where there is already demand for yoga classes but no yoga studios. This may be unrealistic because you would need more than just one person’s skillset to create this business and open the doors.

You would need someone who knows how to build and operate the studio space as well as someone who is knowledgeable about yoga instruction!

Before you start your own business, ask yourself these questions:

  • What skills do I have?
  • Is this idea realistic?
  • What is the market value for my idea?
  • Am I prepared to work hard and put in the hours necessary to see this through?
  • Do I need any additional resources to make this happen?

If you can answer all of these questions with a yes, then you may have found a good business opportunity. Some people might say they don’t have the skills or resources necessary to start their own business, but there are ways around that.

You can take classes, get apprenticeships, or intern at a company before starting your own company. There are many opportunities out there to help you find success.

What Are Your Skills? 

You need to know what your skills are and how they will apply to your new business. Whether you’re a writer, an artist, or an entrepreneur. It’s important to know the skills you have and how they can be applied to your business idea.

If you have a skill that is in high demand, like graphic design or copywriting, then this is something people would be willing to pay for. You also want to ask yourself if you have any natural talents that may not require any training?

For example, if you’ve always loved cooking and believe it could be turned into a business opportunity. Then make sure you have time each day to work on developing this skill!

What Are Your Resources? 

First, you should be honest about the resources that you have.

  • Do you have enough money to start your business?
  • Do you have a solid business plan in place?
  • What skills do you have that could help guide your new business?

These are all important questions to answer before you start a new business. You want to know how much work will be involved from day one, so you can plan accordingly.

Resources are important because they could either make or break your new company. For example if you don’t have a lot of money or people skills on hand.

Then it could take longer for your company to get off the ground than it would if these were strengths of yours.

How To Spot Business Opportunities – Who Is Your Target Audience? 

niche audience

Clearly, you want your target audience to be a certain type of person. Who should that be?

It’s important to take into account your location and the geographical region in which you will be conducting business. You also need to understand what people in your target demographic are looking for.

In order to find success, you have to answer this question carefully. Otherwise, it could result in a failed business.

Consider Your Strengths When Examining Opportunities 

The first thing to do when looking for a business opportunity is to look at your strengths. What are you good at? What are the things you enjoy doing?

If you’re not sure, start by pinpointing what skills you have that can be turned into a business idea.

For example. If you don’t mind being on camera and love interacting with people. It makes sense to start an internet marketing company.

Or if you have a knack for writing and editing articles, you might want to start a blog about beauty tips or food recipes.

Take your time and think about what exactly would make your skills shine. It’s important that whatever idea you come up with is something that feels natural for you.

This is going to become your new career 24/7 so it has to be something you enjoy!

Learn From Other Entrepreneurs Who Have Been There Before 

digital entrepreneurship

There’s a good chance you’ve heard the saying, “Those who can’t do, teach.” This phrase is often used to describe those who have one skill and use it to try to teach others how to do that skill.

This isn’t entirely true when it comes to entrepreneurs. There are many entrepreneurs who have started their own successful businesses but don’t have hands-on experience in the areas they’re teaching.

So, if you want a mentor, don’t just look for someone with the skills you need. Look for someone who has successfully done what you’re trying to do before and ask them for advice on how to get started.

Join programs from successful entrepreneurs to get hands on help to spot business opportunities. My own program called Build Your AU will pinpoint what you are great at and how that can be turned into an online business.

Not only will I help you create an online business, but I will also help your create a strong personal brand. To learn more about Build Your AU click here.


Entrepreneurship can be a scary and risky venture, but it’s also one of the most rewarding. There are many opportunities that exist in this world, but some of them may not be the right fit for you. To help you make smart decisions, here are thirteen questions to ask yourself before pursuing a new business opportunity.

  1. What problem am I solving?
  2. Is this a realistic opportunity?
  3. Will I be able to start this business without needing to take on debt?
  4. What are my skills?
  5. What are my resources?
  6. Who is my target audience?
  7. Am I considering my strengths when examining this opportunity?
  8. Have other entrepreneurs succeeded in this industry?
  9. Are then any pitfalls of this industry?
  10. What are the pros of this industry?
  11. What are the cons of this industry?
  12. Am I prepared for the challenges that come with entrepreneurship?
  13. Is this opportunity the right fit for me?

Build Your AU will help you answer all of the above questions and show you how to spot business opportunities. Register here for the program.

A life of freedom and choice

Trish Davies

trish davies

Trish Davies International