Discover How To Stop Getting Overwhelmed By Getting Stuff Done

Do you feel that everything is getting on top of you? Then you are getting overwhelmed in life so discover how to stop getting overwhelmed by getting stuff done.

Hi Trish Davies, here and I want to do a quick follow up on the post I did a couple of weeks ago on being overwhelmed. If you didn’t get a chance to read that post you can by clicking here.

As I said in my previous post I’m moving and I’m moving interstate. To add pressure or to add a layer of complexity to that, I’m doing that amongst Covid-19. I mean there couldn’t have been a worse time to be moving but the decision has arrived now. I’m actually going down there to help my aging parents but it’s a lifestyle choice as well.

I think what Covid-19 has done is helped to prioritize the things that are really important in life. It has also helped me to really look at what it is that I want the next 10 years to look like.

It’s interesting, when you look back on your life because you will find that there are chapters within your life. Therefore, I’ve been reflecting because of a private members group I have, where we have been currently covering timeline and the hero’s journey.

The Hero’s Journey Has Made Me Focus On How To Stop Getting Overwhelmed 

how to stop getting overwhelmed

We have been doing this to tap into our stories. To really tap into who it is that we are and the value that we can provide to so many others. As a result of doing the timeline process and the hero’s journey, I’ve discovered something amazing. I have discovered or uncovered that my life dramatically changes every 10 years and it rather spooky.

It’s spooky because of what my members are sharing in the group. They’re sharing their timeline or they’re sharing their hero’s journey. There is a pattern and it tends to be between seven and 10 years that your life dramatically changes.

That has made me focus on how to stop getting overwhelmed all the time, because that’s where I’m at right now. Especially with what I’m currently doing and I’m just giving you some context as to why the move and why now.

Why was it necessary? It was necessary because I prioritized and rethought those things that I want to do in life.  Also, I wanted to make a lifestyle choice combined with helping those that are very close to me.  My parents are very dear to me and making sure that I’m there as they hit their mid-70s is very important.

I think it’s an important time to be around for them. So that’s just a little bit of context there. Also just touching on, you know, the realization that change happens, dramatic change and it happens in cycles. So, I am very overwhelmed at the moment.

You can imagine moving to a new house is very, very stressful at the best of times. When you add into the mix running two businesses, a physical business, and an online business, it’s presenting its challenges.

That’s Why It Is Important to Plan 

create a plan to stop getting overwhelmed

Overwhelm kicks in during these situations, because sometimes you don’t even have time for planning. I think it’s very important having a plan in your head, and then map it out.

This is what I did on Tuesday of this week. I mapped out what my days are going to look like. My morning up to lunch time is all around administration. The afternoon it’s around content creation for the business.

Then of a night-time, it’s packing because by then I’m absolutely knackered. The last thing I want to be doing is sitting in front of a computer screen either working on my business or just doing administration work.

When you’re packing it can actually be therapeutic. I say that because there are elements of like clearing out or cleaning out in that process. It’s time for thinking too, so I can plan the next day in my head whilst I’m packing.

I’m enjoying chunking down these days into sections. It’s worked this week and I’ve broken down things into bite sized pieces of what I’ve got to do each and every day.

Breaking down the day rather than creating a to do list and then feeling a bit unaccomplished. Looking at the list and then seeing you haven’t ticked much off can be very overwhelming.

But by breaking everything down will stop you getting overwhelmed in whatever you do. Moving houses and running business are huge obstacles to overcome. How do you break them down or anything else in life?

Start chunking out your diary to start making some inroads. When you do this, you start to feel quite good because you’re making progress. Progress into each big task that you have to do.

How To Stop Getting Overwhelmed 

So, there’s my tip on how to stop getting overwhelmed. Just map things and get stuff done. If you would like to hear any more of these business building tips that I deliver on my YouTube channel, please click here. Then press that subscribe button and click that bell for any future notifications that get released. Also, I want you to put some comments below on what I have shared with you today. 

A life of freedom and choice

Trish Davies

trish davies

Trish Davies International