To Become A Millionaire, You Must Learn How To Think Like A Millionaire

Trish Davis from Trish Davis International looks at the process on how to think like a millionaire and develop a millionaire mindset.

Hi Trish Davies, here from Trish Davies International and today I am looking at creating a millionaire mindset. Many people from all walks of life have aspirations of becoming a millionaire but to achieve that you must learn how to think like a millionaire.

It doesn’t just happen overnight, and you can’t rely on luck to achieve this status. The only way that can be achieved is if you win you national lottery or answer 15 questions on a popular gameshow. The odds of those two scenarios run into the millions to one against. It is a game of chance and that is not the playing field you should look to play in. 

Therefore, when it comes to business you again can’t rely on luck. You must shift your mindset to become successful and there are specific processes to go through. To compliment the new mindset, you will also need to work hard, have dedication, and become resilient. Don’t think you can just sit behind your desk for a few hours a day and fortune will come your way.

Your mindset is arguably the most important factor to get right. That grey matter between your ears is like a super-computer and you can achieve anything when you put your mind to it.

Individuals Perception Of Millionaires 

how to think like a millionaire

Most people in life if you ask them will admit that they have dreams of becoming a millionaire. Those dreams are influenced by watching the media which highlight the millionaire lifestyle. Shows that show luxury mansions with people having expensive toys such as super cars and yachts.

Or shows like Shark Tank where they see multi-millionaires investing in new ideas and wishing they were the people pitching. The trouble is that their dreams remain dreams and that is as far as they get. Their lives never change, they stagnate, and it is as simple as that.  

People who live the millionaire lifestyle are people who have on multiple occasions taken action. These people make things happen and back themselves to the hilt. That is one difference that can be easily addressed by everyone which includes you. Again, that relies on you expanding your mindset to take you to places that you have never been before. Do you think you can do that?

I am going to share with you several exercises that you must complete and take on board. Most if not all of these strategies will help you learn how to think like a millionaire. You will have some “Ah ha” moments and the mindset you need will fall into place. Step by step!

A simple analogy of this principle is when you have done a jig saw puzzle. Each piece you fit into its place starts to form a picture. Then you get to the end and there are pieces missing which makes you very frustrated and the picture is not complete.

This millionaire mindset puzzle I am going to take you through must be completed. Don’t skip anything otherwise your millionaire lifestyle vision will always be incomplete!

How To Think Like A Millionaire Starts With You Having Vision 

millionaire mindset vision

If you want to be a millionaire then your vision and goal should be to have a seven-figure business. Grab yourself a whiteboard, write down $1,000,000 and place it on your wall in a prominent position. A place that you constantly see it throughout your day but that is only the starting point.

You must then ask yourself why you want to be a millionaire and be crystal clear on your reasoning. The reason I say this is there will be times when things get tough and you will face some severe challenges. You will be putting in the hours and they will be unsociable at times.

Late a night or early in the morning you will be on video conference calls so you may need to forfeit a good night’s sleep. If, however your “Why” is strong enough you will find it easier to follow it through.

When you are defining your why another question to ask yourself is the impact that you want to have. This impact starts with the people you want to serve, and you should always put people ahead of profit. On the flip side though having a seven-figure business and financial freedom will impact you. Your lifestyle will change in line with the dreams that you have.

You must be crystal clear on those positive impacts but also you must understand how you would feel if you don’t reach your goal. How would that effect your customers, you and your nearest and dearest.

Developing a millionaire mindset will keep you in the moment and you will have a now, now, and now mentality. You won’t put things off as you will take action to keep you on track with your vision.

Do Something You Love 

millionaire mindset passion

The average working life for people is around 45 years give or take a few years. Unfortunately, a lot of those people don’t enjoy what they do for a living which is very sad. They may be the dreamers I spoke about earlier but accept the hand they have been dealt. They aren’t prepared or have the motivation to cut and then re-shuffle their deck.

The second part of this millionaire mindset blueprint is to love what you do. When you have passion and purpose the work you do will become effortless. That passion will help you develop a sustainable and hugely profitable business.  

Become A Problem Solver

The best chance you have to make a lot of money is to solve people’s problems. Those people will be, in many ways, like you so let’s start here. Generally, people have problems in three broad categories which are health, wealth, and relationships. Most other things then fall into the “how to section”.

You will have faced challenges in life and the sure thing is that other people would have faced the same challenges. Therefore, you are now an authority because you can show people how to solve those problems.

It is the most purist form of serving people because it is authentic and transparent. You will build a customer database on trust and in many ways be those people’s salvation.

On a less emotional note you can become a more practical problem solver. Say for example you are selling physical products and specifically televisions. Your customer needs a new one because maybe their old one has gone bang. Or maybe they have moved to another house and the living room is bigger, so they need one which has better sound.

Whatever the reason is they have a problem. It is your task to find out in detail their problem and then provide them with the best solution for their needs. Don’t just think of the money and take them to the most expensive one you sell. Provide the right solution even if it is less expensive as this will build a relationship with that customer. Therefore, they will come back to you in the future.

Invest In Your Personal Development 

personal growth

This is all bout personal development. Looking for ways to improve your skills sets. This could be leadership especially if you have people who work for you. This will rub off on them and in time they will develop their own leadership skills which will help your business overall.

Don’t be afraid to seek coaches and mentors to help you with certain areas of your business and with you personally. These people will have an impartial view because they are looking in from the outside. They will be straight to the point and tell you what you need to know. This is a positive thing and should not be taken to heart because it will help you and your business grow faster.    

Think Like A Millionaire 

There is no point until waiting until you become a millionaire to start thinking like one. In your mind you must be a millionaire and then you will attract the resources to make it happen.

Doing this will force you to take the actions that you need to take. The ones that millionaires take without having to think about it, then it will become second nature for you. You will develop habits that millionaires have, and once habits are formed, they are hard to break.

Once you have this thought process you will start to mix with millionaires which will have a positive influence on you. You will get the sense of belonging within this environment and will feel able to stand your corner. Acceptance will follow in this inner circle of power!

The process I have shared with you is how to think like a millionaire so that one day you can become one. That is all I can do as the rest is up to you to make it happen. Don’t cut any corners because if you do you will end up where you started. Take things step by step and I am confident you will develop a millionaire mindset to act upon.  

A life of freedom and choice

Trish Davies

trish davies

Trish Davies International