Use These Law Of Attraction Steps To Get What You Desire

The law of attraction will help you get what you want out of life so use these law of attraction steps to fill your life with abundance.

Hi Trish Davies, here and today I want to talk about the law of attraction. The law of attraction is the ability to attract into your life what you are focusing on. It is widely believed that you are susceptible to the laws that govern the universe. The law of attraction is one of those laws.

Your mind uses the power of the law of attraction to manifest your thoughts and materialise them into reality. So, in essence whatever you think about will turn into things eventually.

What this means is that whatever your thoughts are will manifest into aspects of your life. This includes positive and negative thoughts. If you constantly think negatively then you will always live under a cloud. If you think positively then you will attract happiness, joy, and abundance into your life.

You may be aware of the law of attraction and it’s concepts, you may not. If you are aware of it then you may not fully understand how much of an impact on your life it can have.

To simplify things the law of attraction stands for every second of your existence, you attract back what you put out. Your thoughts and emotions are sent out to the universe and you receive that back in kind, or not so kind.

Here Are My Law Of Attraction Steps That You Can Implement 

law of attraction steps

There is a lot of information out there on the law of attraction and I didn’t want this post to be to same old thing. I have studied the law of attraction and like anything it is open to interpretation which is based on facts.

Therefore, I want to give you my interpretation and sharing some law of attraction steps that you can implement today. I want to introduce the law of attraction to you, one of those universal laws. Just like the law of gravity, that’s a universal law that is operating regardless.

We are as human beings, physical and non-physical beings. We are attractive to us, whatever it is that we’re thinking or feeling about. Generally, it’s what we feel or what we’re feeling.

There are steps to attracting what you want. You can utilize the law of attraction to manifest or to create things in life that you want or desire. Here you will be using very focused intent which you have never been taught to do. I know that that wasn’t a lesson at school, or it was never, ever exposed to me.

It was through personal development and through my personal development journey that I learnt these three steps. The first step is to ask for what you want by setting goals.

Setting Goals Is The First Step 

goal setting

Writing them down and be very specific about them, setting a time, making sure that they’re measurable. Make sure they really stick, and that there is a point in time where that goal is going to be achieved.

Now, when it comes to law of attraction, it doesn’t really care about that. It doesn’t really care about the fact that you’re writing them down. What’s more important is the fact that you are emotionally connected to what you’re asking for.

Through everyday life, through life’s experiences, you are sifting through contrast. You are every single day, every single moment seeing things that you do not like or do not wish to have in your life. This is causing you to create desires, wants or to create things that you do want and don’t like in life. It’s an automatic process. It’s not something where you write it down.

There is a saying that you “ask and ye shall receive”, will step number two is about receiving. Law of Attraction is already putting things in place. Once you ask once you have that contrast from step number one, you’re sifting through what you don’t like.

You are discovering what you do want. You are shooting off rockets of desire of the things that you do really and really desire.

The Next Step Is To Receive What You Ask For 

Step number two is all about receipt, it’s all about through the law of attraction. Law of Attraction is gathering everything, the steps, the resources, the people, the conversations. The things that are required to bring your desire or to manifest your wants.

So, step one and two are already happening on an automatic basis every single day, every single moment of your life. It’s already happening automatically. Law of Attraction is creating that for you. Our job is step number three, which is being in the art of allowing or being in that place of allowing.  Being in that place, of receiving, being in a receiving mode.

Allowing Yourself To Receive Is The Last Of The Law Of Attraction Steps 

allow yourself to receive

What that does is it heightens your vibrational frequency. What you have to focus on, and this is what I’m going to be focusing on is every moment of every day is gratitude. Being in the now, being in a place of receiving, being in a place of belief, being in a place of trust.

Trusting that what you are asking for is there, it’s collected. It’s the law of attraction gathering everything that’s required to fulfil those desires, those wants, those goals, and for you to receive them, For you to have those events that feel like synchronicity, for those things to just come along.

You find that it’s the next logical step to take or you have some real heightened awareness. Also, you will have some aha moments. These are things that happen to you through the law of attraction, through your vibrational energy, through heightening your vibrational frequency.

It allows you to match up or to marry out with those things that you’ve asked for. So, it sounds a little bit complicated. However, it’s very simple although it’s not easy, it’s not easy because we’ve been conditioned to not trust.

You Are Conditioned Not to Trust 

We’ve been conditioned to doubt and weigh up the pros and the cons. We’ve been conditioned to be a problem solver. What all of those things do is instil doubt or resistance in you, which tampers with your vibrational frequency.

You have to be at such a high vibrational frequency to be able to attract those things that you truly desire. To do that, you have to trust and believe. It’s all about working at it. You have to practice at being in a place of gratitude and being in a place of ease. That’s why meditation is so incredibly helpful for you because it pushes out or it stops those resistant thoughts that you have on a daily basis.

I know myself in the past, I was always battling with consistent thoughts. Nagging thoughts that just wouldn’t go away. It’s like a tennis match going on inside your head. What meditation does is it allows that to stop.

Join Me On The Beach 

To get more context into what I am saying about the law of attraction steps please watch the video below. I know that some people prefer to watch video so they can feel the emotion about what I am saying. This may be you so take a few minutes to spend with me while I am on the beach.

These are the law of attraction steps to manifest your life’s desires, goals, and true wants.   It’s a very simple process of just allowing just being at a place of trust, belief and allowing those things to actually come into your life. Please contact me here if you would like to know more about the law of attraction or leave a comment below.

A life of freedom and choice

Trish Davies

trish davies

Trish Davies International