Low Investment Business Idea – Online Coaching

Looking for a low investment business idea that offers huge returns? Online coaching is one of the biggest opportunities. Here is how you can cash in!

Hi Trish Davies here from Trish Davies International & Build Your AU. So, I gather that you are looking for a low investment business idea as you have landed on this webpage.

Is it also right to assume that you want a low investment business idea that can generate huge returns? Now that possibility may appear to be too good to be true so let me dispel that myth.

I got the idea for this post from a mastermind session that I host within my Build Your AU program. The conversation evolved around the topic of lack of money and business models that yielded high returns.

Now the usual suspects that meet the criteria for high returns usually mean a high initial investment. Things like stocks, shares, foreign currency trading, precious metals and property investment.

For me the property investment option is what I am most passionate about. I have developed a very healthy property portfolio over the years which you can learn more about here.

However, it doesn’t really fit the criteria for a low investment business idea. What I will say is that it is a proven business model that can create financial freedom, it has for me.

The other business models I mentioned can be volatile to say the least. They are certainly a perfect illustration of risk and reward. The higher the risk the higher the reward.

Therefore, I won’t expand on these business models today. What I will expand on though is a perfect low investment business idea which is online coaching.

Low Investment Business Idea – Online Coaching 

low investment business idea

My Build Your AU program is designed to help you position yourself as an online coach. The online coaching business model is something that you can create from nothing, especially monetarily.

You already have the tools you need to create an online coaching business. I say that in respects to hardware, technology and the creation of your products and services.

You have a device because you have the ability to read this article. Now that may be a laptop, desktop, iPad, tablet or smartphone. You already have your training material firmly locked in your brain in respects to the knowledge and expertise you have amassed.

It is just a matter of bringing everything together to create a high yielding business at a fraction of the cost of other business models. Still not convinced. Ok lets look at the makeup of an online coaching business. Let’s start with products and services as these are where the money is generated.

The Online Coaching Business Model 

An online coaching business is usually made up of the following products and services.

  • eBooks
  • Video Courses
  • Audio Courses
  • Workshops
  • Masterminds
  • One On One Coaching

The beauty of this business model is that there are no physical products to create. Therefore, no production costs, no ongoing packaging costs and no shipping costs. Overheads are very low in those respects and also there is no premises needed and the overheads that they come with.

What you do need is your device and software applications or programs to create the products ands services.

For eBooks you will need applications such as Microsoft Word or the Apple alternative. You create a document and then save it as a PDF for download purposes. These applications are low cost and may even come installed on your device.

For video and audio your device may well have the necessary software installed. If not then are many low cost options available on thee market. More than likely, you will have a camera on your device but again there are many high quality external cameras that require a low investment.

As regard to workshops, masterminds and one on one coaching Zoom is a brilliant option. This is what I use and is free at the basic level or around $15 per month if you need more features.

In reality you can conceivably start an online coaching business for under $300. For that you will get high quality software and production equipment. Creation of eBooks, video and audio courses is what takes some time.

The thing to think about though is that you only need to create them once, then they are done. Because there is no further production or shipping costs the profit margins are huge and you can sell unlimited copies.

Potential Returns Of An Online Coaching Business 

online coaching business

Right, it is time to start thinking about money, profit and reward. I am going to illustrate potential returns could receive based upon the knowledge I have as to what can be charged. At this point though I must refer you to my earnings disclaimer which you can read here or at the bottom of this page.

  • eBooks – $Free – $100
  • Video Courses $100- $2500
  • Audio Courses $50 – $1000
  • Workshops $100 – $2000
  • Masterminds $50 Month – $500 Month or $5000 – $30,000 One Time Sale
  • One On One Coaching $500 Hour – $10,000 Hour (What You Think You Are Worth)

During my time online I have seen the prices I have illustrated being charged. What I would say is that it does depend on your niche as to what the going rate is. For that reason, I have used a price scale, but these are the ticket prices you can make for your products and services.

I will let you do the number crunching as to regard what you can earn depending on how many units you sell. In reality there is no limit, it is all up to you on how much you want to make.

The point I am making is that online coaching business is one of the best low investment business models. Margins are huge, therefor it is in my opinion the best low investment business idea around.

Start An Online Business Through Build Your AU 

What I have for you now is the cherry on the icing on the top of the cake. The purpose for this post is to give you a low investment business idea and I feel I have achieved that goal.

Free is the lowest investment for anything and that is what I am offering. I have a free 9 step program that will give you the foundations for your online coaching business. The program focuses on your authenticity, authority and attracting your ideal audience.

The program expands on what I have shared today and more. By the end of the program you will have total clarity on what coaching business you can create. You will also have clarity on the lifestyle an online coaching business can give you.

To learn more about the program click here.

A life of freedom and choice

Trish Davies

trish davies

Trish Davies International