Manifestation For Beginners – A Five Step Guide

Want things in your life but don’t know how to get them? Here is a manifestation for beginners 5 step guide to help get everything you desire in life.

Hi Trish Davies here and today I want to help you get everything that you want in life. Now I know that is a big statement but I am a true believer that you can manifest what you want in your life.

You mut do the work but I am here to share some insights on manifestation for beginners. You may have come across the term “Law of Attraction” and also the term “manifestation” but do you really understand them?

Both reflect your ability to call on the universe to deliver what you want in life. Now that doesn’t just a happen, you must take a role in that process. Your role is to focus on the energy that you express onto what you want.

That may be a new house, a new car, a new relationship etc. you will have your own desires but the trouble is, right now, you don’t know how to get it. That is where I am here to help you change your perspective on life. To help you get what you want by following some simple steps.

I Get It If You Are Sceptical 

Now you may be thinking that this all a bit of “mumbo jumbo” and far-fetched. You may be sceptical and I get that, I really do but I know through experience it works. There have been time where I have been down to rock bottom. Personal tragedy has entered my life in the past but I have always been open minded to find a solution.

Manifestation is one of the solutions that I have found that has made a major impact on my life. I have shifted my focus onto what I want from life to provide stability and opportunity for myself and my daughter.

It can provide the same for you so lets look at how you can manifest what you want into you life.

Manifestation For Beginners In 5 Steps 

manifestation for beginners

You Must Be Open Minded 

What you need here is a little bit of faith in this process, to prove the process for yourself. Once you see positive results your belief will grow and you will develop the right mindset to help you manifest anything you want.

Start off by looking for a sign from the universe. Ask the universe out loud to show you signs of a favourite number, a particular colour or animal. Prepare yourself to receive signs from the universe, then you will know it is listening. Your belief will then set in.

Write Down What You Want 

Right it is time to get proactive. Write down all the things that you want in life and create a vision board of images that relate to your list. Keep it on your wall or on your phone, somewhere you can easily access it.

Dream big and don’t hold back. If you want it then, document it. Then each time you receive what you want tick it off your list.

Always Be Grateful 

As human being we sometimes take many things for granted in life. I don’t think you or I mean to it just happens. Manifestation basically is what you put out there is what you will then receive. Make sure you are grateful for what you have at the moment to get those positive vibes flowing.

Like the previous step you need to write down what you are grateful for. You will instantly feel uplifted which is the feeling that you want to receive from the universe. It is listening.

Practice Meditation 


If you have never meditated before then this may feel a weird proposition. Meditation has many physical and mental benefits which you can learn more over on my YouTube channel. I highly recommend you start meditating on a regular basis because it will help you with the process of manifesting what you want into your life.

Don’t Hold Back 

One thing you must not do is hold too much close to your chest. The more you hold back the more that the universe will deflect you away. You must let go and allow the universe to receive what you are asking for. How can it give back to you if it doesn’t know what you want.

Once you start to receive make sure you thank the universe for what it has sent to you.

Meditation Law of Attraction | How To Manifest What You Want In 24 Hours

The following video is a perfect illustration of how manifestation works. Enjoy.

I hope that you have taken value from this manifestation for beginners 5 step guide. Anything in life is possible if you believe and manifestation relies on you having that belief.

Make sure you check out my YouTube channel here. There you will find many videos on manifestation, mindset and meditation. Let me know what you have taken away from today’s post by leaving me a comment in the box below.

A life of freedom and choice

Trish Davies

trish davies

Trish Davies International