How To Use Meditation For Attracting Money Into Your Life

Can you really use meditation for attracting money into your life? Here are some strategies to attract money with a bonus 15-minute money meditation guided session.

Hi, Trish Davies here and I want to carry on from my previous post which covered morning meditation. As an online business owner, I am very economically minded, and money has been a driving force. This has helped me create the success that I have had within the last 15 years along with various business practices and strategies.

One of my most favourite daily practices is meditation and I generally do this in the morning. It helps to set me up for the day by clearing my thoughts but focusing my mind on what needs to be achieved. Obviously, you can use meditation to help with many aspects of your life and one of those is your financial situation.

Today I want to focus on meditation for attracting money into your life and I will share with a guided session. Before that though I want to focus on money in general and how it affects your life. I will be looking into your relationship with money, any fears you may have along with creating a mindset around money.

Then we will go through a 15-minute session for using meditation for attracting money. Sound good? Great let’s crack on!

Attracting Money Into Your Life Depends On What Relationship You Have With It 

relationship with money

First you must look at the relationship that you have with money. Is it something that gives you great joy when you have it in your hand? Or is it something that you have no emotional connection with and see it as a means to an end.

The simple fact is that you need money to buy the basic things that you need in your life. Food, water, shelter, and clothing are the first things that spring to mind.

Sometimes that creates a scarcity mindset and you get into a position of desperation. Maybe you count down the days to the next paycheck. Each time you log into your bank account you do it with trepidation because you know full well there isn’t much there.

You then feel dis-empowered when you see there is a lack of it and that thought is then ingrained into your mind. Every day you continue with the trend of thinking that there just isn’t enough which creates a lot of fear.

The scarcity factor creates the fear but can affect how you approach money in other ways. Coming from a place of not having enough you may emerge to then have surplus. What happens then is you are fearful of losing it, so you start to hoard it, or the rainy-day fund.

You must address any fears you have around money which leads me onto creating the right mindset around money. This means creating the thought patterns to take you from that scarcity mindset to one of abundance.

Start Thinking That You Will Become Rich 

Start with wanting money and thinking about becoming rich. You may look at rich people with think it would be nice to be like them. Well what is stopping you from following in their footsteps?

It is the space between your ears, and this is what you need to change. If you think they are lucky, and you aren’t then you need to remove those thoughts. Sometimes people are lucky if they win the lottery or are born with a silver spoon in their mouth.

Generally, though the reason people become rich is that they create a mindset of becoming rich. Coupled with working hard, working smart and seeking opportunities, then acting on them.

For you to be rich you must also want to be rich but behind that there must be purpose. Maybe you want to retire your spouse, put your children through college, have the nice car or house. Whatever it is you must visualise what being rich will look like.

There aren’t many guarantees in life apart from death and taxes and I can’t guarantee that you will become rich. What I can promise you though is that the level of wealth you attain to will rely on one factor. That factor is the amount of value that you provide to society.

Money is a biproduct to the value that you provide! Therefore, there is a simple equation or formula to attracting more money into your life. To receive more money, add more value! This will increase the amount of opportunities that present themselves to you so you can then attract more money.

Using Meditation For Attracting Money

meditation for attracting money

Hopefully by know you will have more clarity around the relationship you have with money. Now I want to look at some simple mediation techniques which you can use for attracting more money into your life.

I am going to give you a brief overview to set the scene, but I will go into greater detail during my guided session.

First get somewhere nice and comfortable to sit and then close your eyes. Take some deep breaths, hold, and then exhale. Then let your breathing become calm and at peace for around 1 – 2 minutes so your body becomes relaxed.

When you arrive at this state you must then start to visualise yourself already being rich. To stir your emotions, focus on money in its natural form. Feel it in your hands, the texture and smell of it and then visualise what you can then do with it.

Maybe it is going out to buy that dream car and entering the car showroom. Walking up to the car, opening the door, and sitting in it for the first time. What does the upholstery smell like and how does the steering wheel feel? Then you are on the open road and the sense of fulfilment you have while driving your dream car.

That is one example, but you can adopt those principles into anything that you desire. Meditation takes you to those places where you can live out the dreams and aspirations that you have.

Visualisation is the key for success with money meditation because it gives you clarity on what you want. Also, how you want your life to be. Do this exercise for 3 – 5 minutes as many times during the day as your need.

Use This 15 Minute Meditation Guided Session 

I have shared with you some techniques on meditation for attracting money into your life. Now I am going to take you on a journey for the next 15 minutes through my own guided session. Click on the video below, then sit back and relax.


As you can see meditation for attracting money can take you to places where you can visualise your extreme desires. Allocate certain times during the day and practice the art of meditating for money. If necessary, use my guided session as your background for the places you want to be. Let me know your experiences in the comment box below.

A life of freedom and choice

Trish Davies

trish davies

Trish Davies International