A Meditation Morning Guided Session To Help You Start The Day Off Energised And Motivated

Trish Davies takes you on a journey with this meditation morning guided video to help set you up and focus the mind for the day ahead.

Meditation is something that millions of people practice every day as part of their daily routines. It becomes habitual and like any habit the more you practice the more it becomes second nature. It’s something that is becoming more popular everyday and one that I regularly practice and empower you to do also.

Maybe you already meditate, or it is something that you have been considering for some time now. Today I want to share with you many aspects about meditation starting with what it is. Then I want to look at the benefits of meditation in general and then the benefits of meditation in the morning.

To round things off I have created a meditation morning guided session on video. Hopefully, this will help you make the best start to every morning to give you then energy you need. Also, it will help you become more productive because you will have the focus you need. It sounds that we have a lot to get though so let’s get started.

What Is Meditation 

meditation morning guided

Just to be clear, I am not a doctor or a science and this is solely my interpretation of what mediation is. When you meditate you use techniques such as mindfulness to train the mind to focus.

What you focus on could be a thought, an object, or an activity to create a state of awareness. The aim is to become mentally clear, emotionally calm and to achieve a stable state of mind.

Now there are several techniques and ways to meditate along with different types of meditation. Focus attention, or mindful meditation, where you focus solely on one thing at any one time.

For example, is could be that you focus on your breathing or it could be a sensation that you are feeling in your body. Alternatively, it could be that you are focusing on an external object. Something that is detached from your body

The is another form, type, of meditation that can be used for research purposes. This is called open-monitoring meditation where you notice things around you without reacting. In other words, you are aware, of and paying attention to all the things that are around you.

As you can see meditation is a very complex and detailed subject, but it can be beneficial in many ways. Meditating can help you with your personal and professional life so let’s look at some of the benefits.

The Benefits Of Meditating 

the beneffits of meditating

Meditation is a great stress buster for many people. Stress can be a very destructive things for people which can lead to many different issues. When you become stressed, and there are many reasons, then your body becomes mentally and physically tense.

Your body is reacting to a challenge or demand that can sometimes make you feel nervous. Also, it can make you feel very frustrated and lead you to the point of becoming angry. Again, I am not a doctor, but I have done some research and stress increases the level of cortisol. This can cause a chain reaction with other chemicals in the body which effects sleep, blood pressure and sometimes fatigue.

Meditating can also help you control anxiety which is a biproduct of stress. I am sure that you have experienced anxiety in the past such as starting a new school. Also, when you have attended job interviews or even to the extent of going on a first date. You become apprehensive of what is going to happen, it is a sense of entering the unknown, so your body reacts.

There is a saying that a healthy mind leads to a healthy body and an overall happier life. Meditation can help you create a positive outlook on life and how you look at yourself regarding self-image. It can also help with depression and lift people from the dark place they find themselves in.

Also, meditation helps you with self-awareness and develop a stronger understanding of who you are. It can help you create the best version of yourself but also make you aware of the relationships you have with other people.

Meditation Improves Mind Capacity 

Whether you work a regular job or for yourself meditation can help improve your attention span. This is crucial for productivity within the workplace because your mental stamina will increase. Your focus on the task in hand will be stronger therefore allowing you to give the full 100%.

It is an inevitability in life that one day we will mature in years and this can influence the mind. Especially when it comes down to remembering things and many people experience memory loss.

Trying to keep your mind as young as possible is a challenging thing but meditation can help you with this. It can help with the process of performing memory tasks which helps create mental clarity.

Meditation can also help with your characteristics and the way you think towards other people. I spoke about positive thinking earlier and this can then be adapted into your actions towards yourself and others. Generally, it stimulates the action of being kind to others along with helping people to forgive.

The hope is that you treat people how you want to be treated but it doesn’t always work out that way. Sometimes things happen that may hurt you or where you hurt others. Part of the healing process may stem from having the ability to forgive and accept forgiveness.

How many times have you laid in bed and not been able to get to sleep? You may have tried counting sheep but to no avail so why not try meditation? Thoughts are often running through our minds when we lay our head on the pillow. These thoughts create insomnia so you must learn to control them to reach a peaceful state. Meditation can help you shorten the time it takes to get to sleep. Therefore, improving sleep quality.

Benefits Of Meditating In The Morning 

benefits of meditating in the morning

I have shared with you some general benefits that meditation can give you. Now I want to focus on the benefits of meditating in the morning.

They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it sets up the body for what lies ahead. Think of meditation as the minds breakfast to put it in a healthy state.

If you are in business, then as soon as you wake up your mind is racing as to what needs to be done. You don’t give yourself the chance to wake up naturally as you are in a task related state.

I meditate in the morning after I have had my shower and before I start to plan out my day. The reason is that I emerge from a safe, controlled state of mind with a sense of peace and calmness. This feeling then lasts through the morning and into the rest of the day.

The upshot of that is that then find I have more energy and vigour to then tackle the tasks that I must complete. A clear and peaceful mind which I spoke about earlier gives you the clarity you need to get things done.

Really this can be summed up in one word which is focus. You must be focused on the important aspects of your business. When you prioritise on the important things then you achieve the goals that you have set yourself for that day.

When you can start the day like this then you have an overall sense of well-being. Instead of sometimes running around like a headless chicken you develop a calm day to day routine. Ultimately through morning meditation you can create overall satisfaction and happiness in life.

Meditation Morning Guided With Trish Davies

Right time to get practical, I think. I have spent some time thinking about how I can help you start the day off in the best possible way. Therefore, I have created a meditation morning guided experience for you. I am going to take you on a journey through meditation to help you arrive at that calm and peaceful state. I don’t need to elaborate on that because the video below covers everything for you. Click the video below to begin the journey.

I hope that my meditation morning guided video as brought some calm and clarity to your world. I am excited to hear about the experience you had so please leave me your feedback in the comment box below.  

A life of freedom and choice

Trish Davies

trish davies

Trish Davies International