Why Storytelling Is One Of The Most Powerful Methods Of Attracting Customers To Your Business

An article from Trish Davies which looks at methods of attracting customers and the art of storytelling in particular.

You may think that the sole purpose of being in business is to make money but that can be short sighted. I understand that all businesses need a steady cash flow to survive but the money shouldn’t be your focus. Unfortunately, I see it on many occasions that business owners are chasing the money. What they should be focused on is the methods of attracting customers which they are implementing.

As a business owner your sole focus is to provide value to your prospects and customers and here is why. You will have products and services for your business, but they are far more than commodities. They are solutions to problems that people are suffering from which is the value that you are providing.

If you can adapt your mindset to this way of thinking, then it can be a complete game changer for you. Money is a bi-product to the amount of value that you provide so it is a simple formula. If you provide more value then you will make more money, you simply cannot fail.

If you just focus on selling things with no purpose then, you guessed it, you will struggle to survive.

Methods Of Attracting Customers – Your Marketing And Advertising

Anyone can create an advertisement and then market it online or offline but again it comes down to one thing. That is the purpose. Your purpose should be to help people which can be expressed within your marketing and advertising.

It all comes down to imagination instead of following what many business owners do. They just throw up an ad willy nilly and hope that people will buy from them. A business model which unfortunately will continue to struggle and ultimately fail.

So, you must understand what solutions your products and services provide and focus on the benefits. By doing this you will tip an individual over the edge and they will buy from you.

A customer buying cycle is complex and long winded but at the same time simple. They recognise that they have a problem and must purchase a solution. What they then do is evaluate all the purchase options by investigating online and offline. Concerns will arise about making the purchase but eventually the purchasing decision will be made. Hopefully this will be from you but then they evaluate the results of the purchase.

That cycle is complex because humans have this ability to question everything that they do. They will put up barriers at every stage to try and talk themselves out of things. It is your job to smash down those barriers, so they feel at ease at every stage. So how can you do this?

Your Story Will Set You Apart

Whatever position you find yourself in life you have a history which in other words is your story. This is something very powerful which you can use to maximum effect because other people will relate to it.

Your story will have a fundamental impact on why you started your business so you must tell people. The likelihood is that your ideal customer is someone just like you who has pain points like you did. Therefore, you must focus on the pain before offering the solution.

If you do this then people will relate to you and then by discovering your story it will create their tipping point. This is the point of the buying cycle where they resolve their concerns about the purchase and make the decision.

When you put the human side into your marketing people will take notice because they can see you are real. Authority and authenticity goes a long way because somewhere down the line consumers have had bad experiences.

Your story will give them the best experience possible, so they feel at ease and feel they know, like and trust you. Three small words but pack a hell of a punch!

Methods Of Attracting Customers – Hook, Story And Offer

hook story offer

There are three basic elements when it comes to marketing and advertising your products and services. This is where your story comes into play.

The first part is the “Hook”. This is your advertisement which needs to stand out which is why it is called the “Hook”. Think about your own habits within the digital world we live in. You may be scrolling through your social feeds and see lots of ads which you gloss over. The reason is nothing stands out, the ads look all the same. Then something catches your eye and you stop so you become hooked.

The hook for your products and services can be an element of your story. Authenticity prevails so avoid any hype. It must make an impact but be believable at the same time, so this is where you need some imagination.

Focus on a pain point that you have had experience of because it will resonate with your ideal prospect or customer. It is important to remember that that ad will sell the click because it causes curiosity. Individuals will want to learn more which is where you can tell your story.

Your “Story” is what you will use to persuade the prospect that you have the solution to their pain points. Show how it has changed your life which are the benefits. Don’t get hung up on the features of your products and services because you will lose people at this stage. This is their tipping point so show them the proof which will remove the barrier that is holding them back.

Then your “Offer” is your solution and where they can get it to receive the same benefits you have had.
It is a simple formula that revolves around your story.

How I Can Help You Create Your Story

I am a firm believer that your story is the best marketing tool for your business. This is the reason I have created a mastermind program called Build Your AU. I concentrate on three things which are authority, authenticity and audience.

The first two is where your story comes into play. It will prove you are who you are and that you are totally transparent. Once you have established this, I will show you how to attract your ideal audience.

Your audience will become your lifelong fans based on the first pillars of your business. It is a winning formula and we have many success stories within my mastermind group.

Therefore, I know I can help you grow your business by telling your story. To see how much impact this has had on people I want to grant you access to some previous masterminds. They are very powerful because you will hear from other members on how their story has transformed their business.

Click on the image below to register for the free mastermind video series.

build your au mastermind video series

There are literally hundreds of methods of attracting customers, but storytelling is one that many people don’t use. This can give you a head start on your competitors because people buy from people. Start building your authority, authenticity and audience from your story today by registering for the video series.

A life of freedom and choice.

trish davies

Trish Davies International