What Are You Go To Skills When Overcoming Challenges In Life?

Challenges are part of everyday life but how do you confront them and what are your skills in overcoming challenges in life?

Wouldn’t it be nice to live in a perfect and ideal world where everything goes along smoothly with no stress? Sounds great doesn’t it but you, I and everybody else all live in the real world which delivers curve balls. They sometimes appear out of nowhere and we must deal with them. So, let me ask you this. What are your go to skills in overcoming challenges in life to get that positive outcome?

overcoming challenges in life

You have them built within your DNA but can honestly identify what make you tick when adversity rears it’s head? Challenges effect every element of your life, so it is time to take a trip down memory lane.

This could be uncomfortable, but it is a great exercise because you will gain clarity on how you face challenges. I want you to look everything element of your life but to help you here are some examples. I have broken it down into three broad categories of health, wealth and relationships.

Overcoming Challenges In Life – Health Is Your Priority

Health is one of those areas where we have similar challenges to face, but your challenges are unique to you. You may have faced serious health issues which may have been life threatening.

Maybe you thought that the end was nigh but what gave you the strength to overcoming them. This may have happened to a family member so what part did you play in helping them overcoming challenges in life?

Then we have things like weight loss and addiction which if left unattended can lead to serious problems. What were the challenges and what did you do to come out of the other side?

Happy Relationship Happy Life!

Relationships are complex at the best of times, but they do say that a happy relationship leads to a happy life. You will have experienced emotional distress with your close inner circle on multiple occasions.

One of the closet relationships we have is with our parents and many of their traits are instilled in us. That’s why people will say “your just like your dad/mum” but growing up is hard. Your psyche and body changes and sometimes you feel that you have no control, but you do get it back.

Therefore, you can identify with what your children go through because you have been in their shoes. This gives you the ability to protect and nurture them and make them feel safe.

The relationship you have with your partner, wife or husband is the most intimate one you will have. We all experience good and bad and hopefully we learn from them to find the special one. When you deep dive into this your go to skills will become crystal clear on overcoming challenges in life.

Money Makes The World Go Around! 

Money, money, money! Some think it is the root of all evil and some think that it will give you happiness. Whether you are poor or rich your financial status will create challenges that you must overcome.

You need money for the basics in life such as food, water, clothing and shelter. If you haven’t got enough then it is a massive challenge to overcome. If you have overcome this then what were the processes you went through, both mentally and physically? You still maybe struggling, then what is the reason?

Likewise, if you are wealthy then that brings its own challenges. How do you deal with it, or are you dealing with it?

Staring a business is a massive challenge. You have the setting up stage then growing it to achieve sustainability. When you reach this stage, you must come up with a plan to take it further to the next level or where you vision takes you.

Overcoming Challenges In Life – It’s All Part Of Your Life Story And Journey

Up to now I have empowering you to take stock and look at what you have had to overcome. The reason is that it is your life story and it is one of the your most powerful marketing tools. Now I can here you are saying “Trish, what do you mean?”, so let me explain.

As a business owner you focus should be building an audience for your products and services. In the past you would do that through placing advertisements to drive traffic to your offers. Whether it was online or offline people would arrive at your offer and decide to buy or not.

Well that still happens but the playing field has shifted somewhat over the last few years. You have a lot more competition to deal with, so this is where your story comes into play.

You Must Differentiate Yourself From Your Competition

You must stand out from the crowd and the best way to do this is through your story. The reason is because it is unique to you and how you can make a connection with people.

Therefore, I have said to define the go to skill sets you use when overcoming challenges in life. Then you can incorporate that part of your story when you are marketing your products. Here is an example.

Say for arguments sake you are in the weight loss niche. It is very competitive with lots of different programs, diet books and equipment. You may think you have the best weight loss product since sliced bread, but you need to convince your audience.

How can you do this? Well you tell them your story and the challenges that you faced and how you overcame them. Lay it all out on the table, nuts and bolts so to speak, and how your product helped you.

The result will be that your ideal audience will relate to your story because they have faced the same challenges. It also establishes your authority because you can back up what you are claiming. The last thing your story shows is your authenticity, and this will seal the deal.

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Overcoming Challenges Was One Of The Topics In Our Latest Build Your Au Mastermind

Now hopefully you can see just why this is so powerful. So much so that is was one of the topics that I focused on within my latest Build Your AU Mastermind. In it we identified the skill sets you need in overcoming challenges in life.

Then we looked at how you can focus on these skill sets within your business to establish brand identity. We emphasise the importance of your authority and cementing it with authenticity.

Every week through the program we focus on different aspects to help you market your business through storytelling. For this reason, I feel that your story is your biggest weapon to help attract your audience.

To learn more about the Build Your AU Mastermind program please click here.

Showcasing how you have been overcoming challenges in life will set you apart from other business owners. The Build Your AU Mastermind will help you incorporate those successes with your marketing practices. Your story is what will sell you and your business so let us help you create it.


A life of freedom and choice.

trish davies

Trish Davies International