Personal Achievements In Life – How To Recognise What You Have Achieved

You must acknowledge your own personal achievements in life. Her is how to do that along with looking at how possibly you could have done better.

When it comes to personal achievements in life we are guilty at not recognising just what we have done. We often let others congratulate us before we eventually give ourselves a pat on the back. Why is this?

Maybe we don’t want to come across arrogant, big headed, self-centred. Or maybe we just don’t see them. A lack of self-esteem may be part of it, but it is very important to embrace what you have achieved within your life up to now. It is also important to plan for further achievements well into the future.

Now when it comes to personal achievements there is not a one shoe fits all. Your achievements will probably be totally different to the members in your family. That can be said in respect for you friends but there are some categories that we all achieve in.

Personal Achievements In Life Examples 

personal achievements in life

It maybe that you helped within a charitable organization along with millions of people. Maybe you excelled at school, college and university and got that degree that you always wanted. Sport is something that most people achieve in. It could be that you won your local league in your favourite pastime, or you won an individual competition.

Many people achieve in business by starting at the bottom and working their way up. Or starting their own business from scratch. Nurturing that idea and developing it into something that provides a full-time income.

Financially it could be that you have achieved your financial freedom point. You are free from all your debts like mortgages and credit cards. Finally have more money coming in than you need so that you can put some away for your family’s future.

Then we can look at health. In the past you may have let things slip and become unhealthy due to what you were putting into your body. Add to that not exercising enough to burn it off and putting on a lot of weight.

There may have been a point when you realised that things needed to change. Therefore, you decided to do something about it and get fit.

Or it could be that you quit smoking which is a very hard habit to break. It takes willpower, dedication and determination not to let the temptation get the better of you.

One of the biggest personal achievements anyone can make is to bring another life into this world. Then love, care and nurture that tiny human being into a fine upstanding member of society who then goes onto bring value to the world. This may be your ultimate legacy.

Personal Achievements – Look At What You Have Achieved 

Take some time out and really look at your life up to now. What has filled you with pride and given you an immense sense of satisfaction. At this time, it is important to look at things that may be could have gone better in the past.

Now this is not meant to sound negative and put a dampener on things, far from it. However there maybe things that at one point were just a little bit out of reach. Things change though and they could still come back into play with a little bit of help.

Was there something lacking? It could have been motivation which you may now have? Or it could have been that you just didn’t know how to do something? This could be easily rectified by gaining the education and training to succeed by investing in yourself.

Mindset also comes into personal achievements. You must have belief otherwise there is no pint starting out in the first place. Then as I have just mentioned you need to educate yourself and through that comes confidence. Once you have that then everything becomes effortless and there is no other outcome than success.

Personal Achievements – Why Stand Still When You Can Plan For The Future?

goal setting

Just because you have many personal achievements doesn’t mean you can get complacent. What happens in between the day you are born and the day you die is your legacy and your chance to make your own mark on the world. What do you still want to achieve?

Here it is time for you to get pro-active and start setting goals. Goals that when reached can be added to the list of your personal achievements. What do you still want to do in your life?

First make a list with number one your priority and so on. Then you need to make a plan of action on how you are going to achieve them. What steps to you need to take to make everything a reality?

It maybe that you need to learn some new skill sets both practically and mentally. One tip is not to look at the end result but to work back from this. Break everything down into steps or mini goals.

I say this is because if you look at the whole picture from the outset then you will get overwhelmed. You put pressure on yourself, become self- critical and eventually lose the will, not to live, but to carry on. The chances are that you will give up which obviously achieves nothing.

By having a clear step by step plan will give you the best chance to succeed, there is no doubt. So, when your list of personal achievements gets longer and longer what do you do?

Make Sure That You Reward Yourself

meal at restaurant

Remember at the start of this article I said that we don’t recognise our personal achievements. Well, I am telling you that you need to reward yourself when your reach certain milestones.

I am not saying that you should go and shout it from the rooftops or brag about it. What I am saying is that you can be subtle and give yourself little rewards as it gives you a sense of earning.

It depends on the achievement as to what you should reward yourself. If you reach your mini-goals then the size of the reward could be incremental as you go along the path to success.

So, when you hit your first milestone maybe go out for dinner with your wife/husband or partner. Then increase the stature of the rewards accordingly as you see fit, it really is all up to you.

The reason I say reward yourself is that it gives your that little shot in the arm to keep you motivated. It also breeds confidence in you overall. With added confidence you will have the ability to then set even bigger goals. That’s because you know within your heart that you can reach them.

Life Is Not A Rehearsal 

You only have one shot at life, it is not a rehearsal. There is only one person who can make things happen and that obviously is you. This is your chance to become the best person you can and achieve as much as you want to achieve.

There are no boundaries. Everything is there at your fingertips so make sure that you reach out and grab them with both hands. Then never let go and you will be as successful as you want to be.

Hopefully you have taken value from my take on personal achievements in life. I didn’t want it to be just me telling you to do this and do that, I wanted to get you thinking and empower you to act on different fronts. My hope is that I have succeeded in doing that.

Please leave your comments below as I would love to hear from you on all your personal achievements. For now, I wish you every success in everything that you do.

A life of freedom and choice

Trish Davies

trish davies

Trish Davies International