The Personal Branding Action Plan: How To Build Your Brand Faster And More Effectively

Looking to build a personal brand? Then you need a personal branding action plan. Read on to discover how to create your personal branding action plan.

Hi Trish Davies here and today I want to focus on helping you create a personal branding action plan. You see it everywhere. From social media to marketing campaigns, branding is all around us.

We want our businesses and products to stand out among the crowd. However what does it really mean? What does “personal branding” really mean? I’ve talked to a lot of people who don’t know how to build their brand and don’t even know what personal branding is.

In this post, we’ll explore the definition of personal branding. How you can put together a personal branding action plan. Also some tips for success in the world of personal branding.

Personal Branding Action Plan – What Is Personal Branding?

personal branding action plan

What is personal branding? Personal branding is how you create a distinct image for yourself. It’s what people see when they think of your name or your business and it starts with a plan.

A personal branding action plan will help you define who you are and what makes you unique. You’ll want to get started by writing down the qualities that make up your brand. Also the qualities that differentiate you from others in your industry.

For example, if I were a graphic designer and my focus was designing business cards. Then I might say that my brand is: clean and modern design with bold colours (distinctive).

What Does “Personal Branding” Mean To You? 

The term “personal branding” has been used to describe the process of branding oneself. In its simplest terms, personal branding is the process by which individuals take control of how they are presented to others.

As a whole, however, it means that your personal brand is the way you represent yourself in any media. It includes your name, photograph, voiceovers, website homepage and so on. Your personal brand also encompasses your social media presence and other personal websites.

Brand management can be tough for a lot of people who don’t know how to build their own brand. Or don’t know how to differentiate themselves from the rest of the competition in their industry. This post will give you some tips on how you can create a personal branding action plan and build your business faster and more effectively!

How Do I Build My Personal Brand?

Personal branding is about creating a visual representation of who you are and what your business is about. It’s about establishing a name for yourself and being seen as an authority in your industry. Personal branding can be achieved through various methods, including social media, email marketing, and blogging.

So, how do you build your personal brand? A personal branding action plan breaks down into 2 main steps:

  • Establishing what you offer and why people should care
  • Targeting the right audience

Personal Branding Action Plan – Understand Your Personal Brand Values 

Personal branding is a strategy in which you showcase your personal story and skills to highlight your professional value. Think of it as building credibility and authority around who you are as an individual.

What is personal branding? Personal branding is the process of marketing oneself as a competent, qualified, or skilled professional. It is how you represent yourself and your skills to the world. But before you can build your brand, you need to understand what it means for you.

My first advice for anyone wanting to build their personal brand is to know who you are. Also what values align with your business best. What’s important to you? What stands out about you? Then what are some things that are unique about you that make you different from everyone else in the marketplace.

Create Your Personal Brand Identity 

personal brand identity

The first step of your personal brand is deciding what you want to represent. This part is all about the story behind your brand. When people hear about you, what do you want them to think?

What are the qualities that make up your company or product? When I think of Nike, I think of their slogan “Just Do It.” I also think about how their swoosh logo represents a person running.

Define Your Target Audience  

The first thing you need to do when building a personal brand is define your audience. Who are you trying to reach? What, specifically, are you trying to sell them? This sounds like a no-brainer but it’s often overlooked.

You need to know who you’re talking to and what they want. When you have a clear understanding of your target audience, the next step is understanding who they’re buying from.

You need to understand the people in the market that your business competes against. Then you can target your marketing efforts accordingly.

Create Your Personal Brand Story  

A personal brand story is a short, succinct narrative that tells the reader who you are and what you do. It’s a quick snapshot that sums up your personality and why people should be following you. A good personal branding story will pique the reader’s interest and leave them wanting to know more about you.

Develop Your Message And Messaging 

The first step to building your personal brand is developing your message and messaging. You need to have a clear idea of what your company is about, so you can tell people about it.

This starts with a tagline that tells people what you’re all about. It should be short, concise, and catchy. For example, “We make nutritious foods for people on the go.” Or “We help you get organized quickly.”

Next, think about how you want people to see you or your business. What kind of person or company do you represent? Define the personality of your company through words and pictures that align with the values of your business.

What are the benefits of using this particular product or service?

Finally, develop an elevator pitch that includes all these components in less than 30 seconds.

  • Who you are
  • What you do
  • Why it matters to them
  • How they can reach out to find more information

You’ll use this message in everything from social media posts to email subject lines to presentations to networking events. The goal is for this message to be efficient and easy to understand at a glance. Then when someone sees it they know exactly who you are and what they can expect from interacting with your brand.


Now you know all the components of a full blown personal branding strategy, it’s time to put together the personal branding action plan that will take your business to the next level. Your personal branding action plan will help you stay on track and keep moving forward.

So, what are you waiting for? Set up your personal branding action plan today and start building your brand faster and more effectively.

Register here for my Build Your AU personal branding program.

A life of freedom and choice

Trish Davies

trish davies

Trish Davies International