Personal Development Goals Examples To Become The Best Version Of Yourself

Every day you should look to develop as a person but what areas should you focus on? Here are some personal development goals examples!

Hi Trish Davies here and today I want to focus on personal development. Specifically, I want to share with you some personal development goals examples. Many people overlook personal development as they go through life, they just settle for the status quo.

Personal development is crucial to enable individuals to live a happier and abundant life. Goal setting gives you a clear direction on where you want your life to be heading. Unfortunately, many people get hung up on setting goals but not understanding how they are going to achieve them.

Also, people think that the point of goal setting is just for material things. Such as buying the car of their dreams by a certain date. Or they want to pay off their mortgage within 10 years. Maybe they want to start a business and set a goal of earning $5000 per month.

Another favourite one is health where people want to lose weight. So, they set themselves a target of losing so many pounds in 6 months. So, they want to stop smoking and then eat healthier. Now I am not saying that people shouldn’t do this, far from it. The point is they need to have the foundations in place so that they have any chance of achieving the goals they have set.

Mind, Body & Action 

Everything starts in the mind and then transitions itself through the body to change attitudes and take action. You need to have the correct mindset to achieve anything in life and that is what I want to talk about today.

Over the next few minutes as you read this article I will share several mindset strategies. When setting personal development goals your mind must be in the right place.  Then the actions you take to achieve those goals will become effortless. You will soon start to see positive results within your personal and professional life.

There will be things that I share with you that may have never crossed your mind. The following personal development goals examples will give you lightbulb moments. You will realise that certain things have been holding you back from reaching your full potential.

The good thing is that it is never too late to change things. You can start implementing things today to create the life and lifestyle that you desire.

So, let’s look at a series of personal development goals examples that you can put into practice.

Personal Development Goals Examples – Create The Right Mindset For Success

personal development goals examples

Gaining Self Confidence 

One of your personal development goals should be to develop self-esteem and self-confidence. How do you do this? Confidence stems from success and success stems from learning how to do this correctly and proficiently. This can be applied to anything in life, but you need to take action.

Confidence is a powerful thing and when you are confident in life then you can achieve great things. Confidence should not be compared to arrogance and cockiness though, as this rubs people up the wrong way. People of this persuasion usually have some underlying misgiving that they are trying to hide.

Focus On Your Body Language 

There is a saying that “first impressions last”. The first impression that someone will have of you is the body language that you portray. So, you need to come over very positive without being pushy.

Always look people in the eye when you are talking to them and never hunch your shoulders. This can give a negative impression to the person you are trying to connect with. This is especially relevant when you looking to secure a new job within an interview process.

Develop Relationships 

A relationship is a two-way street, there must be give and take for the relationship to work. So as part of your personal development you need to learn how to socially interact with people.

Always be prepared to listen to people and take onboard their opinions even if you don’t agree with them. Also give your opinion in a way that you are not forcing it down their throat.

Eventually people will respect you and vice versa. This will lead to a lasting and fulfilling relationship with people personally and professionally.

Stop Procrastinating 

The definition of procrastination is this.  “Someone who keeps delaying something that must be done, often because it is unpleasant or boring”. So, this is something that you need to overcome to enhance your personal development.

You must be clear, concise and take action on what must be done. If you continue to procrastinate then nothing will become real and all you will have is dreams.

Become An Early Riser 

sun rising

You will have plenty of time to sleep when you are no longer on this earth, and that is not meant to sound flippant. There is a saying that the “early bird catches the worm”. So, I advise you to get up early to see the sun rise or do your daily exercise routine. This sets the body up perfectly for the day ahead and you will have high motivation levels to get stuff done.

Don’t wallow about in your bed until mid-morning because you are wasting time. Time you could be using to create a beautiful life!

Be More Proactive 

You should always be proactive rather than being re-active. If you are proactive then you are acting to avoid mishaps that may raise their ugly heads. What usually happens when you are re-active is that you panic in the event of a situation, and this leads to stress.

Being proactive lets you control your fate and take responsibility for the results that you achieve.

Forget The Past

The past is the past and unless you have a time machine it can never be changed. We all have things in our past that have been unpleasant. Whether that is being bullied at school or having bad relationships within the family or intimate partners.

Maybe business ventures have not gone the way you wanted, and it has resulted in you losing money. Whatever it is you just must let it go if you have any chance of moving forward.

Become Resilient 

You will have to develop the skin of a rhino to overcome many forms of adversity that you will face. You must develop a brave and confident mindset because if you are weak and helpless then you will continue to struggle. Things will get on top of you, there is no doubt.

Develop Belief In Yourself 

self belief

If you have limited belief in something that you are about to start then you will get nowhere fast! You are telling yourself that this is not going to work, it is your get out of jail card so that you can justify things further down the line. You will never escape from your comfort zone which is fear of what could happen.

To meet any of your goals then you must believe in them 100% from the start.

Be Present In The Moment 

The time is now, not what has happened in the past or what could happen in the future. You must be aware of where you are now and your surroundings. There is a term called mind wandering which means that you often look back or think of the future which makes you unhappy.

Look around you and embrace the abundance you have in your life. It could be as simple as mother nature, the sun shining and the birds singing. Or it could be your family which is the most precious thing in your life, be grateful that they are happy and healthy.

Often it is the simple things that make us happy so be aware of what you have got. Always think that there is always someone worse off than you.

Make Better Decisions 

The decisions you make will have a huge impact on the quality of your and the outcomes that you receive. So, you need to start making good decisions but also remember that no one is perfect, and you will make mistakes. When this happens make sure you learn from it, so you don’t do it again.

Develop A Positive Attitude 

When you have a positive attitude then you will have a great outlook on life. It will help you respond and react to any situation that you find yourself in for the better. A negative attitude results in negative things happening to you. Always look on the bright side of life as Monty Python said, be positive and get ready to take the bull by the horns and always do you best.

As you can see there is a lot more to personal development. The personal development goals examples I have shared with you work when you take action. Your success depends on what happens in your head.

It is the foundation to everything you do or will have in your life. Therefore, make sure you develop the right mindsets. I am sure that whatever personal development goals you set yourself you will achieve them and reach your full potential.

A life of freedom and choice

Trish Davies

trish davies

Trish Davies International