If the Phobia Of Public Speaking Is Holding You Back From Starting Your Own Public Speaking Business, Then Here Is How To Smash Down Those Barriers

If the phobia of public speaking is bringing you out in a cold sweat, experienced public speaker Trish Davies will help overcome that fear.

Glossophobia is the true definition of the phobia of public speaking and it can affect 75% of the population. This is some comfort to you because you know that you are not alone. Also, there are ways to overcome that fear so your dream of having a public speaking business is still alive!

phobia of public speaking

Before I look at overcoming this phobia let’s backtrack just a little bit. I say this because it is probable that you have already experienced public speaking. So, in many respects you have already overcome it without realising.

Think back to your school days sitting in the classroom hoping that your teacher doesn’t ask you read out loud. Every time he or she picked someone else there was a huge sense of relief, but it was short lived. This is because you knew your time was coming and there was no way out.

You Already Have The Inner Strength To Cope With Public Speaking

When that time came it felt like the end of the world but somehow you found the strength to cope. At the end of the day you had no choice but now you do have a choice and I am here to help.

Speaking in public has given me so many opportunities to travel the world which makes it a great lifestyle business. More importantly it has given me the platform to connect and help hundreds and thousands of people.

If this is what you are looking for, but the phobia of public speaking is holding you back then I am here to help. Together we are going to get you over that line so you can make your impact on the world.

Before we look at how to get over this phobia, I think it is important to look at some common triggers. The triggers that maybe bringing you out in a cold sweat, but don’t worry, you are in safe hands.

Phobia Of Public Speaking – What Can Possibly Go Wrong!

don't panic

You are just about to take the stage and panic sets in. Suddenly you start to shake, the palms of your hands become clammy and you become breathless. Your heart feels like it is about to jump out of your chest, and you become lightheaded.

Your body is going through the fight or flight response but there is a remedy for this. To alleviate this, you must focus on controlling your breathing because it arrests the fight or flight response.

A few minutes before you take to the stage focus on breathing deeply. This slows the heart rate down and your body will react by calming down. Make a conscious effort to tell yourself to “breathe”.

You Open Your Mouth And Nothing Comes Out

Brain freeze… affects everyone in all possible scenarios. I am sure you have been involved in a conversation but suddenly you go blank. You are like a fish in a bowl and all there is, is silence.

This is not what you want when you are on stage so there are two simple remedies for this. The first is through repeatedly practising because there is a lot of truth in the saying “practice makes perfect”. You may need just a couple of goes but you may need more which is ok. All that matters is you get there in the end.

The second is creating your presentation in a way that is easy to understand for you and the audience. Make it interesting so you enjoy presenting and the audience is engaged. Use visual props within your presentation because it is engaging and it will help you keep on track with your message.

A bonus tip is to create a story around you within your presentation as it will create a connection and fuel emotions. You always want the audience to be with you and your story also creates authenticity.

Techno Phobia Kicks In

Leveraging technology lightens the workload but it does come with some potential disasters. Luckily, we live in a technical and digital age which when used right can take your presentation to the next level.

You can create interactive presentations and leverage the internet for a live experience for your audience. Prevention is better than cure so make sure you turn up early and set everything up. Then test, test and test again that everything is working before your audience turns up.

If you are using wi-fi then make sure you can connect, and your audience can also. You don’t want to be running around like a headless chicken trying to find the password.

I have covered some of the most common public speaking phobias but now I would like to concentrate on some simple strategies to remedy them.

Phobia Of Public Speaking – How To Overcome The Fear & Present Like A Pro

Within the industries that I am involved with there are many people who are regarded as influencers. The same will be said for your own industry and you may well be following some people already.

What I would suggest is to concentrate on how they present. You already like the content they release so it is now time to use them as a role model.

What I must stress… is not to copy and paste what they do but take what they do and make your own. Study how they hold themselves on stage, how they engage with the audience and how they structure they presentations.

Then take your own content and presentation and then go onto the next step I am going to cover, which is practicing.

Practice Makes Perfect

I briefly mentioned this earlier but practicing really is a key thing to do. One of the best ways is to stand in front of a mirror and get used to speaking out loud. I know at this point it will just be you as the audience but there is a good reason for doing this. It will give you the perception of how other people will see you. You can then incorporate the previous point I made about your own influencers.

practiceLook at it this way. When you are giving your presentation, you are putting on a show. If you were involved in a television show or movie you must rehearse. So, this is your rehearsal routine. When you feel more confident you can then invite some family or friends to become a mock audience.

Then you can give your presentation in an environment which will be similar to when you go live. Albeit this will be on smaller scale, but the experience will be invaluable.

Then you move to the big stage and each presentation you give will get better and better. The result will be that is becomes second nature and effortless.

Let Me Help your Through Build Your AU

As I have previously mention I have been public speaking for several years and it forms part of my overall business. It is a real passion of mine to stand before people and deliver value to them which makes an impact.

I have gone through the process and was once in the position you are now, so I know it is daunting. Saying that… it is hugely satisfying and very exciting to be in a position of influence.

What I have done is create my own mastermind program called Build Your AU which focuses on you and your story. What I do is help you create your message for your audience through your authority and authenticity.

I also help develop your confidence as a public speaker because I encourage your participation within our masterminds. The great thing about this is that you are in an entirely safe and secure environment. Surrounded by your peers who all tell their story within the group.

This is an ideal platform for you to get comfortable and gain confidence in taking center stage. Then with our help you can take that step to the next level with the knowledge that you have the tools to deliver.

To find out more about my Build Your AU Mastermind click here and register for a complimentary video series.

build your au mastermind video series

The phobia of public speaking is very common as I mentioned at the start of this post. As with any problem there is a solution and I have given you an insight on how to overcome some of the problems. Also, my Build Your AU Mastermind will elevate your confidence to stand in front of your audience. Register for the video series here to take the first step to launching your public speaking business.

A life of freedom and choice.

trish davies

Trish Davies International