Learn The Secrets Of The Millionaire Mindset And Why Millionaire Mindset Affirmations Are So Powerful

Wealth strategist Trish Davies looks at the secrets of the millionaire mindset and power of millionaire mindset affirmations and how to use them.

Hi Trish Davies, here, and today I want to delve into the secrets of the millionaire mindset. Have you ever wondered how people with extreme wealth think? What mindset do they have that helps them become so successful?

The reality is that millionaires think differently to the majority of the general public and workforce. Over time they develop a mindset for success, therefore they can create more wealth in their lives. What I will say to you is that if you want to be rich and wealthy you must start to think like rich and wealthy people do.

For you to read this article you must want to become wealthy. I don’t know your personal circumstances, but I would assume that you currently fall into the middle- or lower-income bracket. Unless you develop a millionaire mindset the reality is that you will stay where you are.

That may sound harsh, but I don’t sugar coat anything. To become wealthy takes massive amounts of action because that is the only way to bring wealth into your life. If you think that it will just happen then you are sadly mistaken, so I want to share the secrets of the millionaire mindset.

Hopefully for your sake you take these insights onboard and then put them into practice. I have a very special bonus for you today because I have created a millionaire mindset meditation session. Here you can listen to powerful affirmations which you can regularly practice.

Taking Risks Is The First Of The Secrets Of The Millionaire Mindset 

secrets of the millionaire mindset

Let me ask you this. Are you a risk taker or like to play it safe? You can bet that people who have amassed huge wealth have taken risks to get them to that position. You can’t get away from taking risks if you want to be rich and wealthy.

The old adage of risk and reward comes to mind. The bigger risk you are prepared to take the bigger reward you potentially make. This mindset is what you must develop but it will take a period of time.

At first you may feel physically sick, mentally pressured, stressed, and fearful but you must push the button. This is your starting point but the more you do it the more comfortable you will become.

You Must Be Thick Skinned 

From the risks that you take you will experience success and failures. You will celebrate the successes and rightly so but don’t take the failures personally. I like to think at failure as just learning how not to do something, take a positive out of a negative.

Don’t take things to heart because rich people see failure as an opportunity to grow. Learn from the failures, move on, and don’t dwell in self-pity.

Your Motivation Should Be To Serve 

One of the secrets to the millionaire mindset is to put people before profits.

There are many ways to make a lot of money but some of them make you feel hollow and unfulfilled. Sometimes people look to make money through sheer greed, feeling insecure, anger which are all negative emotions.

When they get the money, cars, and nice houses their mindset in stuck in a negative state. They have all the trimmings to success but no purpose in life.

Make sure you know your “why”. What is your purpose in life? Who can you help and serve? A very close friend of mine has this saying, “when you know why, how becomes easy”.

Once you understand this then you will have the right motivations and the wealth will follow.

You could look at it this way, which is what millionaires do. You must offer value to society and provide for others. Give more than you take and everything else will fall into place.

Goal Setting Is One Of The Secrets Of The Millionaire Mindset 

goal setting

You must set goals and focus on them. They should be in front of you at all times to ensure that your attention is not re-directed on trivial matters. When you have your goals set it gives you the motivation to put the work in, you have a desired outcome.

Millionaires tend to be workaholics, they out the hours in day in and day out. There are only so many hours in the day though so you must make the most out of what you have available.

Distractions happen, that is just life but there are some that you can eliminate from your life. Social media, watching pointless television shows, playing games on your phone won’t make you rich.

The average person will spend hours everyday doing these activities and will remain average with average incomes. When you have the millionaire mindset then you won’t waste your time doing these activities.

The reason is that they offer nothing in return and won’t help you achieve your desired outcome. Replace these activities with income pricing activities, things that will make your business grow and put money in your bank.

Tap Into Your Unconscious Mind 

The grey matter you have between your ears is the most advanced super-computer in existence. Artificial intelligence is getting close but not quite there as yet. The trouble with the brain and your mind is that it can play tricks on you. It is also fickle at times and has this habit of changing the way we think.

As humans we find it easy to raise objections to things and it changes our stance on things. This has an unhealthy impact on our ability to make decisions, well on average people and not the wealthy.

Rich people, wealthy people, millionaires what ever you want to refer to them as have a very special gift. They can tap into their unconscious mind which is something greater than what they feel in the moment.

Many people may refer to this as intuition, but it is an ability to find the right direction at the right time. They have the faith needed and willingness to follow that faith.

Millionaire Mindset Meditation 

millionaire mindset meditation

I have shared with you the secrets of the millionaire mindset and touched upon the unconscious or sub-coconscious. I want to take this one step further with the exercise I referred to at the start of this post.  

I am a firm believer in affirmations, and I feel the best way to gain the most benefit from them is through meditation. Therefore, I have created a very special secrets to the millionaire mindset and millionaire mindset meditation session.

Millionaire mindset affirmations are best listened to in during a meditation process. Therefore, I have included millionaire affirmations within the following video as they will help you to re-program your sub-conscious mind.

I have also included wealth and abundance affirmations which will help you attract prosperity, abundance, money, and wealth. Click on the video below now immerse yourself with affirmations to help you create your millionaire mindset.

You now have the secrets of the millionaire mindset and the resources to create your own millionaire mindset. If there is anything you are unsure of or would like to know more information about, please leave your comment below.

A life of freedom and choice

Trish Davies

trish davies

Trish Davies International