Self Empowerment Tips On How To Change Your Life For The Better

Does your life need to change? Do you feel yourself stuck in a rut? If the answer is yes then use these self empowerment tips to create abundance and true fulfilment.

Hi Trish Davies here and I can’t emphasise enough how important self empowerment is. This is the only way you can take charge of every aspect of your life. Don’t not rely on other people to create the type of lifestyle that you want for you and your family.

I work with people every day and encourage them to empower themselves to take decisive actions. That is both in their personal and professional lives to that they continue to move forward and grow as a person.

In today’s article I want to delve deep into self empowerment. I want to look how it can you with your relationships and how you can generate abundance. Also, how self empowerment can give you that help you start a business or get a better job.

Over the next few minutes, I will share with you some self empowerment tips so you can change your life for the better. Before we go into that I want to explain just what empowerment is. That will then give you clarity on all the self empowerment tips I will share today.

What Does Empowerment Mean? 

Empowerment refers to the measures that someone takes to increase their levels of self-determination. It also represents their interests while acting upon their own authority. During this process individuals become far stronger and more confident controlling their lives and claiming their own rights.

Individuals may feel that they are powerless and have a lack of influence. Empowerment can come from professional people who offer resources they have at their disposal. When individuals use those resources they are effectively working with power.

Therefore, I am personally empowering you to use this article as a resource. Take action on the steps you need to take to create that life of abundance.  I can only provide the tools; it is up to you to take the first step.

So let me ask you. Do you firmly believe that you can change your life for the better? If your answer is yes, then let’s move on!

At this point you may be asking yourself these questions. Just how do you empower yourself? How can you create a better life? How can you step into the flow of abundance?. These are very common questions so the first thing to realise is that you are not alone.

There are in effect 5 levels of self empowerment which I will get into shortly. However, at this point I want to show you the stages to go through to attain specific self empowerment skills.

Self Empowerment Tips – 10 Stages to Self Empowerment Success

self empowerment tips


The first stage is to be completely aware of your environment and circumstances. You have the power inside of you to determine what parts of your life that you don’t have complete control of, so you can then then unleash that power to retake control of your life as your own and no one else’s.

Discard The Baggage 

It is very important that you find your inner peace and to do that you must live in the present moment. We all have a past where things may have gone a bit sour which can cause anger or regret. You may have been judgemental too many times and criticised which in many cases then turns in a deep form of guilt. This will only drag you down to a point that you find it hard to drag yourself back up, but it is something that you must do.

Let go of the past as there is nothing you can do to change it now. You may be carrying massive chips on your shoulder which is weighing you down, so you need to shrug them off and if necessary you may need to show an element of forgiveness to find your inner peace.

Change Your Mindset 

At this point you are growing as a human being and to continue your growth you must develop a totally new mindset. Analyse what your thoughts and beliefs are and determine if they are positive or negative. Then develop the positive ones, dispose of the negative one and replace them with even more positive thoughts. The result will be that you now have control of your mind.

What The Future Brings 

what the future brings

No one can truly tell what the future holds for themselves but every day you will face new challenges. You should embrace these challenges and look upon them as a self empowering event which you can use on the journey to discover your inner peace.


You must find a way to trust yourself and other people because it will make it a lot easier for you to make definite decisions. When you have trust then you will be able to let go of all you worry and self-doubt.

Acknowledge What You Already Have 

You will have many talents within yourself, but you may not have the ability to recognise them. So, look at what you are good at and then embrace them. If you are waiting for other people to acknowledge them for you then you may have a long wait!

Chill Out 

You must take time out for yourself and chill out. Find a quiet place which is free from all attractions and use this time to reflect on where you are in your life. Maybe try yoga or meditation which improves attitude and helps you sleep better at night.

Responsibility & Accountability

To fully take charge of your life you must act responsibly and be accountable for all the decisions that you make. Don’t play the blame game.

Sharing Is Great 

What could be more fulfilling than to share the processes that you have been through to other people who may be in a similar situation to what you were before you started this journey of self empowerment? People will see how you have changed and will then be inspired to do the same.

Always Be Truthful 

There is a saying that honesty is the best policy, so you should always be truthful with other people but more importantly you should be truthful with yourself. Lying leads to guilt and guilt leads to shame which can have a detrimental effect on your progress.

So that is a self-empowerment blueprint for you to follow and act on. Now as I mentioned there are five levels of self empowerment, so I will now look more into those now.

Self Empowerment Tips – The 5 Levels Of Self Empowerment

Physical Empowerment 

physical empowerment

This covers a few things such as obviously your physical health. However, it also effects your physical environment and your life in general. Physically you may want to change things and the obvious one is your weight. Therefore, you need to think about how you can do it.

Exercise is the standout thing you can do, but you also need to look at your diet as well. What are you putting in your mouth and how can you change? You need to be aware of what you are doing which is the first step to the blueprint.

Emotional Empowerment 

Emotionally how are you? Are you happy and if you are what is making you happy? On the other side of the coin are you sad and depressed? What is making you so miserable? Are there any barriers in your life that you must pull down?

Things like stress is very destructive and can be a silent killer if you don’t do something about it. So, ask yourself what is making you so stressed and how can you alleviate it?

Relationships play a big part in our life. You may be alone and looking for a relationship. Therefore, you need to work out how you can get out there and meet people. If you are in a relationship and it is not in a good place, then you need to pull your head out of the sand and work out what is going wrong.

Mental Empowerment 

What goes on within that grey matter between your ears has a huge impact on your life. If you constantly look at bad images, then that effects your outlook on life. If you continually watch the news and constantly consume bad reports then that’s not good for you. Also, if you eat junk food all the time you know that you will get fat so why are you doing it?

Spiritual Empowerment 

This is delicate subject but maybe you need to ask yourself why you are here? What do you think your purpose in life is and how can you fulfil it? The same questions can be asked regarding the people you have around you like your family and friends. Are they there to help you and for you to help them?

Self empowerment helps you evolve into the person that you think you should be. Once you have worked that out then you are well on your way.

Financial Self Empowerment 

You may want to discover how you can attract money into your life. There is a theory that you are worth what value you give to society. Therefore, if you don’t offer any value then don’t expect anything in return.

Maybe you fear money because that is what you were brought up to think. There is an old saying that “money is the root of all evil”. This may be true as it can be very destructive. However, it can also be a positive thing because if you attract a lot of money then you can use it to help people less fortunate.

Maybe you don’t have the tools and resources to attract money in your life. These can be practical things but also can teach you the mindset skills you need. If this is the case, then check out my free 9 step program that helps you create your own online coaching business.

You have all the attributes you need inside you already. The program helps define what those attributes are and then use them to create your own online training program. Keep reading to learn more!

Create Your Own Online Coaching Business Build Your AU 

self empowerment tips

I have shared with you many self empowerment tips that will change your life. Here is my personal invitation to you to create your own online coaching business with the help of Build Your AU.

How To Build Your Authenticity, Authority and Audience 

If you want to create an online training course, build a business, write an eBook, create an online presence then this is the place to learn how to. It all starts with your story, your journey.

To create a personal brand, you have to become the AUTHOR OF YOUR LIFE and BUILD YOUR AU. There are 3 stages to BUILD YOUR AU

  2. build your AUTHORITY
  3. build your AUDIENCE.

In this ONLINE TRAINING COURSE, you will learn about all 3 stages. The goal is to figure out what your value is, what your story is. The build an audience that will naturally gravitate to you because they connect to your story.

The course includes the following content:

  • Recorded Live Members Weekly Workshops
  • Behind The Scenes With Build Your AU Members
  • Facebook Live Group Videos
  • Interviews with Online Business Owners
  • Recorded Coaching Calls
  • How To Videos

Access to Facebook Group to receive support and guidance

AUTHORITY BUSINESS MODEL –  Get my secret roadmap formula that gets your business idea out of your head in a way that is dead simple… so you can create a powerful online course outline that gets real results. This course will give you AUTHORITY and will attract an AUDIENCE.

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Helping you build your authenticity, authority and audience.

Trish Davies

trish davies

Build Your AU