Why You Should Create Side Hustles From Home To Bulletproof Your Income

Why you must create side hustles from home so that you don’t face economic meltdown during the next crisis that hits the world.

The current Covid-19 pandemic has proven that you shouldn’t have all your eggs in one basket. Millions of people all around the world have had their world ripped from under their feet. That’s because over the course of just a few short weeks the world has come to a standstill.

Businesses being forced to shut down with no guarantee that they will be allowed to reopen. If you are a business owner or an employee, the probability is that you have only one source of income.

That tap has been well and truly turned off during this pandemic. Although there are signs of recovery it is only very small with trickle starting to flow. Hopefully in time the trickle will become a stream and then merge into a river. The trouble is no one knows when that will happen.

Added to the equation is the possibility of second waves of the virus and the threat of further lockdowns. Spikes have already happened here in Australia with some state borders being closed.

Other countries such as the UK, Spain and parts of the US have seen localised lockdowns put back in place. They thought they were on the road to recovery but have taken steps back. Uncertainty is rife because no one has a crystal ball.

You may be in this position and that is why you have landed on this page. Therefore, I want to share with you the reasons why you should create side hustles from home.

Why You Should Create Side Hustles From Home 

side hustles from home

There is one point that I want you to be clear on right from the start. The word “hustle” may sound like a scam, sleazy and untrustworthy when it comes to working from home. Unfortunately, this has been associated with this industry, but I have been in it long enough to know different.

As I have emphasised the word, I want to give a different perspective on it and give it back some credibility. Shift your mindset and think of hustling to working hard then it takes on a completely different dimension.

Creating side hustles from home is what you do after you have finished your regular job. You go to work between 9-5, you get home, have some dinner and then you go again. Instead of wasting time on social media or watching television you create side incomes.

There are hundreds of legitimate ways to make additional income from home if you are prepared to do them. This may mean sitting up until midnight even if you have got an early start the next day. Maybe you have to get up earlier than you normally do and work on your ventures before you go to work.

You may have to put time in over the weekends and forsake some downtime. Sometimes you must do what you need to create systems that work for you 24 hours a day.

When you do this, you can create what is called a hub and spoke business model. Think of it as a wheel with the hub in the centre. Off that hub you have spokes that then meet the rim of the wheel. This creates a stable structure for the wheel to spin effortlessly.

Position Yourself As The Hub 

bicycle wheel hub

Take the analogy of the wheel and position you and your family as the hub. Through hard work, aka hustling, you can create side hustles to form the spokes and the outer rim.

In the online business world this is also referred to as creating multiple streams of income. What this means is that if at anytime one source dries up for a while you have others still generating revenue.

Obviously at the moment you may have lost your main income or had it severely reduced. Governments around the world have put in place schemes to limit the impact. Each country has a different name for it but basically, they are paying you through the company you work for to stay at home.  

Now that is all well and good at the moment but in reality, it is hard to see how much longer this can happen. You may be getting 60-80% of your wages which is still better than 100% of nothing.

If a second wave does come along it could be a different picture. There is no guarantee these schemes will be available again if the world gets locked down for a second time.

What I am doing is empowering you to take control of your financial destiny and not leave it to chance. I am not saying that this applies to you but there is a lot of entitlement in the world.

People expect things but the world does not owe you or I a living at the end of the day. Yes, there has been help but as I have said it may not be there in the future.

Opportunities Come Out Of Disaster 

opportunity comes from disaster

Think what has happened over the last 20 years. There were the atrocities of the 911 attack in New York. In 2008 the world financial crisis hit. There have been other virus outbreaks in the early 2000’s and now this one.

If I think long enough, I am sure there are more, but the point is the world does recover. That recovery is helped through opportunities being created and then people taking action.

This is the time for you to act and bulletproof your income for the future. I can speak from experience. In 1999 I and my daughter Emily suffered personal tragedy through the loss of my husband and her father.  

Suddenly I was a single mum with a young child to raise on my own. From that point I realised that I needed to build a financial firewall around us both. Something that would protect us and provide a stable future.

I hustled and educated myself to secure a corporate job to put food on the table and a roof over our heads. I also looked for opportunities and again invested in my education within real estate.

Through taking massive action over the last 15 years I have created a real estate portfolio. That investment portfolio provides an income stream at the same time safeguarding my investments.

Also, I am a corporate trainer for a training company here in Australia. Added to that I have online business ventures within different industries. Finally, I have an online training business where I teach people like you how to create personal brands.

That training program can help you create multiple streams of income if you are prepared to hustle. You can learn more here.

Bulletproof Your Income 

Creating side hustles from home can help bulletproof your income so that you don’t face hardship in the future. I am living proof that through tragedy, adversity and heartbreak comes opportunity and prosperity. This is what you can create through hustling and taking action. If you need more information about my Build Your AU training program, then please click here. I can provide you with the tools to help you create financial stability if you are prepared to put the work in.

A life of freedom and choice

Trish Davies

trish davies

Trish Davies International