Discover How To Start A Lifestyle Business And Take Back Control Of Your Life

Can you really start a lifestyle business? Personal branding coach and mentor Trish Davies shows you how to start a lifestyle business and regain your purpose in life.

Hi, Trish Davies here and the purpose of this post is to help you start a lifestyle business. Before I provide you with that opportunity, I must address the current situation and how you have been conditioned to live your life.

It is sad to see hard working individuals finding life so much of a struggle. Unfortunately, in most cases it is down to circumstances which are out of their control. This is highlighted in the current climate of Covid-19 causing havoc around the world.

Even if you take Covid-19 out of the equation, modern day life is like a pressure cooker. Sometimes it feels that that valve gets stuck in the closed position and that pressure builds up. To the point where you feel you are going to explode.  

Each day is just like the previous one and you know that the next day is going to be the same. This consists of juggling family life and holding down a job so that the roof remains over your head. Food keeps being put on the table!

Living expenses continue to rise such as gas, electric, water, along with the taxes you pay to your local authorities. Added onto that is the cost of travelling to work by either your car or public transport. This eats away at your salary along with any childcare you must pay out, which in ways is counterproductive.

Feel Like You Are Losing Control Of Your Life? 

worry in life

Job security is another worrying factor which again Covid-19 has sadly brought to the fore. It seems that every day when you switch on the news there is doom and gloom. Major high street and international brands going into administration, then receivership and finally liquidating.

Thousands of people being laid off every day not knowing how they are going to survive. Not knowing how they are going to clothe the family, pay the mortgage or the rent.

Even If they have managed to put something away for a rainy day then that will soon be frittered away. Living on those reserves until they get back on their feet. Unfortunately, though, still having these worries in the back of their minds and wondering when it will all happen again.

As you are reading this post some, or all, of what I have share with you will resonate with you. You may feel you are losing control and are longing to reign that control back in.

I understand that this is not much of a consolation but, you are not alone. There are millions, possible billions of people just like you. The thing to remember though is it’ not all your fault.

Are You Prepared To Accept The Textbook Of Life? 

textbook of life

The reason I say this is because we are all conditioned to accept this way of life from an early age. For thousands of years there has been a textbook for how people live their lives. That is to become educated through national curriculums which are supposed to set the foundations for your life.

To learn the basic skills sets to survive and then to go on specialise in certain areas of business. To then carve a career out and do that for over forty years. Along the way you are expected to sign up for mortgages and spend the best part of 25 – 30 years in debt.  Just for the privilege of owning your own home and provide security for your family.

Then when you get to your mid to late sixties you will retire. This is the time where you are allowed to start enjoying yourself and doing the things that you love. So, you are supposed to work hard, have third parties control your life and make lots of sacrifices along the way. Then, and only, when you enter your twilight years are you allowed to relax and enjoy the fruits of your hard-earned labour!

Have Choices Been Taken Away From You? 

Unfortunately, along this journey many people lose control of their lives. Choices are taken away as teachers tell you what to do. You rely on employers for your living but there is the possibility that one day you will wake up and your job is no longer there.

Financial institutions are there help you get on the property ladder and invest your money for your pension. What happens if they make the wrong choices? Well you will have to work well past your retirement age to maintain the standard of living that you are used to.

This is a typical life cycle, a revolving wheel which you find yourself running within but getting nowhere fast! For some people they just accept that this is the hand that they have been dealt and go with the flow. They live by the rules and conform to the conditioning that they have received.

This may have worked in the past but is now clearly outdated. Many of the things that are still taught in the academic systems simply don’t work anymore. Individuals are being set up to fall through no fault of their own.

Times are changing, and it is time for people, including you, to be woken up to the opportunities that are available. So, you all can get your lives back and take control of your own destiny.

As you have landed on this webpage, I think it is safe to assume that you have had enough. You are looking for a way that you can live your life on your own terms. To be totally self-sufficient and rely on no one for anything.

How To Start A Lifestyle Business 

start a lifestyle business

The way that people are making this a reality is to start a lifestyle business. This enables people to have the time and financial freedom to do what they want and when they want.

Now you may feel that this all sounds a bit farfetched and I can totally understand where you are coming from. You may be sceptical which again I totally understand but I am here to tell you that you absolutely can change your life. To find your purpose in life and make an impact on other people’s lives.

How can I make this bold statement? Well I see it in action every single day through the work that I do. Week in and week out I work with highly motivated digital entrepreneurs who are creating a digital lifestyle. To create freedom and choice through the businesses they are building but that is just the half of it.

The other is that they are impacting other people’s lives through their products and services. They are serving their own community of individuals which spans the entire world.

Now you may be saying “that all sounds great Trish but where’s the proof?” That’s a great question so what I have done is create a videos series which shows a process that I have created. A process that helps anyone start a lifestyle business from scratch.

The process is called Build Your AU which is designed to help you create an online training business. A business that can be automated and operated anywhere in the world.

I help you find out exactly who you are, what you are good at and how to package everything up into an online course. Then you can repeat the process and create future courses which creates an online training business.

Where Can You Start A Lifestyle Business? 

I have made this super simple for you. All you need to do is click the following button and register for the training series. If you like what you see and it is a good fit for what you need, you can enrol in the full training program. I will then help you start a lifestyle business to give you the choice and freedom you want. Also, you will gain full control of your life and leave nothing to chance. Click the button below to start!

build your au mastermind video series

A life of freedom and choice

Trish Davies

trish davies

Trish Davies International