Follow These 9 Steps To Overcome Procrastination

Are you guilty of delaying or putting something off? Follow these 9 steps to overcome procrastination and change your circumstances.

Hi Trish Davies here and the focus for today is to help you stop procrastinating. Everyone is guilty at some point of putting something off for another day. The trouble is that those days tend to run into weeks, then months, then years.

In the past you have tried to realise your dreams but alas not always met them. Now there can be many reasons why that has happened but it could boil down to two common ones. They are not having the courage or motivation to take a risk in life.

It may mean that you have a defeatist attitude. You are telling yourself you can’t do this, that or the other before you even start. Alternatively, it could mean that you are procrastinating which is a habit that stops you leading a much more fulfilling life.

Well, it is time to break that habit and get your butt in gear. You can have whatever you want in life if you start to take action. To help you take that action I want to share 10 steps to overcome procrastination. If you are up for the challenge then read on.

9 Steps To Overcome Procrastination 

steps to overcome procrastination

Define Your Personal Values 

Here you need to sit down and define what you want out of your life. In conjunction with this you must have clarity on what your personal values are. You may want more time to spend with your loved one and more money to spend on them.

Improving your health and your self-confidence may be high on your agenda. Happiness is a reflection of your home life so are you looking for a more fulfilling relationship?

Your career will be important to you and there may be something lacking in what you do. Is it time for a career change or maybe you are thinking about starting a new business?

If what you are planning is not aligned with what you want then you procrastinate. It is then time to reset, asses your skills, learn new ones if needed.

Make Your Health A Priority 

Good health is the most important thing in your life, you can’t put a price on that. When you are in good health then you have the energy and power to make positive changes in your life.

When you are not feeling as sharp as you want then it is easy procrastinate. You wait until you are better before you take any action. Illness can sometimes be your get out of jail card and the justification that you are looking for.

Therefore, make sure what you are putting in your body is good, healthy and nourishing. Make sure you get enough sleep at night and regularly exercise, even if it is a short walk every day.

I love meditation because it puts in a state of peace and where my mind becomes clear. You may want to try meditation to remove your procrastination. Check out my meditation videos over on my YouTube channel here.

Visualize A Procrastination Free Life 

When you stop procrastinating you will experience benefits in your life. You know what you want out of life but at the moment you don’t have it. Or can you? Try visualising how you would feel if you did have the things in life you wanted.

Imagine what you could achieve, what you could do if you started to do the things you need to do. Start taking some positive actions such as writing down affirmations and creating a vision board.

Don’t Listen To That Voice In Your Head

In all probability you have a nasty little voice in your head that is holding you back. That voice puts up roadblocks and dismisses any ideas that you may have. You consciously say to yourself that ”you haven’t got the time” or “you can’t do this”.

All what’s needed is a change in your vocabulary. Replace negative words with positive ones and that nasty little voice in time will become quieter. Eventually it will disappear.

Set Personal & Professional Goals 

how to create a smart goal

One of the best steps to overcome procrastination is to start setting goals that you want to achieve. When you set  goals you become motivated and driven to turn virtual into reality.

Your goals should be short, medium and long-term in your personal and your professional life. Now there is lots of information online about goal setting. One of the best strategies is the SMART goal setting formula.

  • S = Specific
  • M = Measurable
  • A= Action
  • R = Realistic
  • T = Time Based

This is the formula and there are goal setting software applications that can help you achieve your SMART goals.

You Must Prioritize Your Goals 

Now I have shared with you a great formula to set your goals. Once you have your list of goals you must prioritise them and then create a plan on how to achieve them. You may need to learn new skills and acquire new knowledge so make sure you source the resources you need.

Goals don’t necessarily need to beset in stone, they can be adapted and tweaked. That’s ok because life is fluid and what you want today may change tomorrow.

Don’t Become Overwhelmed  

Now you have a list of your goals in order of importance. You will find that at the top of your list is your biggest goal and that may overwhelm you. It will be so big that it changes your life so you must take a step back.

Look at your goal, develop a plan on how to achieve that goal and break it down. Don’t look at the overall picture as it will make you freeze and then start to procrastinate again.

There will be a logical and linear process to achieve your desire outcome. Work  backwards from that desired outcome and modulate the process. You will then have steps to follow and each step seamlessly flows into the next.

Take one step at a time and before you know it you will gain momentum. Your wheels so to speak will start to turn and with each turn you are closer to accomplishing your goal.

Give Yourself Some Rewards 


I referenced modules and wheels turning just a moment ago. Each time your wheels turn and you finish a module make sure you reward yourself. It doesn’t need to be big, that comes when the goal has been full accomplished.

Each step in your process is a micro-goal so when you complete it give yourself a micro-reward.

There Is No Time Like The Present 

The time is here and now so there are no excuses. If you are still with me in these steps to overcome procrastination then you are serious to make positive change. There is no point waiting until you feel “in the mood” as you will be waiting for a long time.

When you start taking the actionable steps you need to take then you become motivated. The snowball effect starts as you get on your roll. Tasks get ticked off, goals get ticked off and the change you are looking for happens.

These are the steps to overcome procrastination. Kick this nasty habit once and for all and let me know how you get on in the comment box below.

A life of freedom and choice

Trish Davies

trish davies

Trish Davies International