Wealth building takes time, a consistent cash flow cycle and a plan. A consistent cash flow cycle is a process in which income and assets are continuously created through the allocation of income generated from a business.

A plan can start with a decision. My wealth plan started back in 1999 with a decision when I became a single parent overnight through tragic circumstances.

At the time I had no job, no income, no home and no partner. I had a 4-year-old daughter and I had to make a decision based on the future stability and security of my daughter and myself.

At the time, the only thing I knew how and what to do was to get some traditional education. So I went to university to get a college degree in Commerce. I got the corporate job and realized that I wasn’t enjoying it and it really didn’t pay me enough to be spending the amount of hours I was at the office.

So I asked myself “there has to be another way?’ and there was. I started a network marketing business in 2006. I worked hard and consistently for 3 years and built it up to earning me $2500 per month. This was the same income I was earning in my previous job.

In 2008 I started to invest my income into revenue producing assets – real estate in America. After a couple of years of research I finally made a decision to invest in cash flow positive property. From this one single investment it grew into a portfolio of houses that I continue to rent out to tenants. This gives me additional consistent cash flow.

It all started with a decision and then a plan that I worked towards consistently on a daily basis. You too can make that decision on which cash flow strategy that you would like to pursue. Start with asking the question ‘how can I create more income? To help you with this ask yourself ‘what knowledge do I have, what skills do I have, what expertise do I have, what experiences and stories can I share.

An online business today is a great opportunity for anyone to start a business and you don’t even need a physical product to sell. You can package your own knowledge, skills and experiences and make them available to an online global audience.

There are so many benefits to starting an online business especially when you still have a full-time job. It is the beginning of starting a consistent cash flow cycle and creating a plan towards building wealth.

We would love to work with you to create your own online business.

So we’d like to offer you a FREE 30 day test drive of the education and system we use in our business.

You will meet one of our mentors, Stuart, and you can get your FREE account in less than 60 seconds.

What are you waiting for? Go over there now….FREE Account

See you on the inside 🙂

Trish and Chris