Discover How Build Your AU Will Define What Is Your Secret Talent

If you are unclear as to what is your secret talent, then this article will give you clarity on what your natural talents and gifts are!

When it comes to business or starting a new business you may be wondering what is your secret talent. Then how you can utilize it to make an impact on other peoples lives which ultimately benefits you. I truly believe that if you are in business then you must be passionate about what you do.

At the end of the day anyone can start a business and many people look at their business as a means to an end. The bottom line is that a business needs to make money to survive and generate an income. The fact is that it is a lot better if this is achieved by doing something that you love.

Passion based businesses are successful because the owner doesn’t feel that they are actually working. It is not a chore to get up in the morning because they have a purpose in life. They know that the day ahead is going to be filled with excitement, fulfilment and joy. Unfortunately, this doesn’t happen for many business owners who look upon their business as a weight around their neck.

You may be an existing business owner who is looking for something that gives you the drive you need. Or you may be contemplating starting a business and are not sure what you can do. With that being said I want to concentrate today on helping you get that fire in your belly that you need. To truly discover what is your secret talent and how you can leverage it to create something very special.


Use Self Analysis To Reveal What Is Your Secret Talent

what is your secret talentI think the best place to start is to take some time out and reflect on yourself. Whatever stage in life you find yourself at you will have had some major achievements. Saying that you will also have had some major failures in life. Life is always a balance and there are always two sides.

Revert to the good old paper and pen and make two columns. This exercise is not to be rushed and it will give you a valuable resource to use going forward with your business.

List down everything that you have achieved in life both personally and professionally. It could be health, wealth and relationship related. Also, it could be based on what your hobbies are and what you achieved academically. You have free reign on this, and it doesn’t matter as to the level of achievement. What you think is small may be the nugget of gold you are looking for. At the end of the day achievement is achievement, full stop.

Then repeat this on the other side of the paper for the failures in life you have experienced. This is equally important because it will give you a clear picture as to what you have struggled with in life. Failure can also be looked upon as finding out how not to do something which is just as valuable because you can learn from that. There may be something there that with just a little bit of help can turn turned into an achievement.

At the end of this exercise this document will be a treasure trove. Things will stand out that you can develop into a business that you will truly love. It can also be a treasure trove of content ideas for your future business.

secret archive

What Does Your Report Card Say About You?

What you find in life is that you build up an archive of success and failures. When you were young you may have experienced some trepidation when it came to your yearly report. Your parents were supposed to be the first people to open that envelop. Reality is that you wanted to know what was inside so you could prepare yourself for the adulation or disappointment.

Your school report cards will probably be gathering dust up in the loft so bring them back out into daylight. These again are huge resources and there will be things in them that will remind you what you are good at. Yes, there will be things like “could do better” or “must listen more” which are teacher favourite sayings. There will also be “excellent”, “finds it easy to do” and “really passionate about”. So, take a trip down memory lane, it won’t be that bad, I promise.

I remember pulling out my report cards for my daughter a few months ago. I forgot that they actually graded me an ‘X’ for subjects. School was not my thing. I failed in Maths and Commerce.

The classroom was no good for me, however, my gift and talent was in the playground. I could mix with everyone, with all the diverse groups, we remember them, those that were good in sport, those that were good looking, those that smoked behind the toilet block and were rebellious, those that were academic. I could mix with them all!

Networking and people, those were my strengths. Unfortunately, that never got graded in school. What were you good at in school?

That played out in the workplace. I hated being closed up in an office 9-5, I wanted the freedom, have you wanted the freedom? I kept moving around jobs as I was never happy in the one place, again, it goes back to my gifts and talents and not living true to them.

Also, look at your qualification certificates because there may be something there that was once an ambition you had. You may have excelled in something that at one point was your dream. Life may have got in the way since, but it is still not too late.

What Do You Enjoy Doing?

Usually this is a tell-tale sign of what you are good at. The reason is that if you enjoy something then you tend to find it easy to do. In other words, it is effortless, and time has a habit of passing you by.

This is not restricted to your social and family life. Within your work environment you will be doing tasks that you enjoy. They could involve numbers, writing or practical, hands on things. Maybe you teach which involves having great communication and listening skills.

So then maybe bookkeeping or accountancy is your thing that you could create a business around. You could start you own blog or maybe write books that you can sell. Maybe you can take inanimate objects such as wood, metal, cloth or glass and create wonderful things from them. Then you could teach all the above within a consultancy business to help people learn the same skills sets.

If You Are Still Not Sure What Your Talent Is Then Simply Ask Others

What is your secret talent Ask Others

Sometimes what we are good at is so clear that we can’t see it ourselves. Everyone has a circle of influence which is made up from family and friends. Also, you can add into the mix another circle of influence which is made up from work colleagues and associates.

Just ask them what they think you are good at and what your talents are. What you will find is that the feedback you get will be a mixed bag. I say this in a way because some people will tell you what you already know. What is interesting is the feedback you weren’t expecting. It is very easy for someone on the outside to look in. They will be honest with you to the extent that sometimes it is brutal and not what you want to hear. Saying that it will help you in more ways than you will ever appreciate.

What Is Build Your AU?

I mentioned something in the sub-heading of this article which probably had no relevance or meaning to you. I have a mastermind program called Build Your AU. Part of this mastermind is a process that the group members will see what your talents are and tell you. We collaborate with each other in a way where we share all our experiences. The best way to do this is to lay everything out on the table for people to see. The difference is that we do it in a safe and secure environment. Everybody goes through the experience so therefore we are all on the same level playing field.

What happens then is we all find out what we are great at. Your true talents and gifts will be apparent to you and how you can then use them to help others. It really is a powerful exercise because it forms the second section of the authenticity pillar for your business.

Build Your AU stands for the three pillars of any successful business. Authenticity is the first which is what I have been focusing on today and in the previous post. There are three sub-pillars and I have spoken about purpose (link purpose to the previous post when it has been published). In the next post I will focus on your story.

The other two pillars are Authority & Audience which I will be covering in subsequent posts.

If you want to know what is your secret talent, then Build Your AU will deliver the answer. To find out more about the program and receive a complimentary video series of previous sessions click here and register your details.

A life of freedom and choice

trish davies

Trish Davies International