5 Reasons Why Gratitude Is Important & Can Change Your Life

It is easy in the current climate to feel ungrateful but even in these dark days showing gratitude is important. Here is why gratitude is important.

Hi Trish Davies, here from TrishDaviesInternational.com and BuildYourAu.com. Today I want to speak about gratitude and why gratitude is important. Although there is a lot in the world at the moment to feel ungrateful there are still reasons to be grateful in life.

There is a saying that “there is always someone worse off”. I know sometimes that can be hard to imagine but it is very true and sometimes you and I lose perspective on what we do have in life.

From my own perspective 2020 was challenging as it was for you. My personal and business life were turned upside down due to the pandemic. Some of that was obviously out of my control with Covid-19 but some of it was through my own making.

Why Gratitude Is Important To Me 

Business interests had to be adapted to conform with protocols that were put in place. Transition periods happened to enable me to function as a corporate coach and within my own personal coaching business.

They were challenges that I embraced due to the mindset I have as being a digital business owner. Things are always fluid within the online space and with developing inner tools I can adapt very quickly which helps in the offline space as well.

At the end of the day, I was grateful that I could still function, work, and receive an income. Many people were not in that position. Also, I decided to relocate to Tasmania to be with my parents which brought many challenges along the way. That’s why I shot the following video to express my gratitude for what I have.

I hope that you took some value from my video and it helped put some things into perspective for you. Please visit my YouTube channel here for more inspiring videos. Showing and expressing gratitude is very important for your own well being and I would like to share with you 5 reasons why gratitude is important.

Gratitude Shifts Your Focus 

shifting focus

Life is all about focus and that focus determines how you move forward in life. Gratitude shifts your focus. The reason I say that is because much of the world is in a state of negativity and you get immersed within that negativity.

The last 12 months is a perfect example as to what is going on within the world. You only need to turn on the news and within 5 minutes your mood and general feeling goes down a few notches.

Now there is a saying that “every cloud has a silver lining” and this is what I like to embrace. I am a naturally positive thinking person, but I am human and do have my off days. Problems may occur but I always strive to find the solution, I know that good will emerge eventually.

Being positive isn’t enough though and this is where gratitude comes into it’s own. Showing gratitude injects positivity in everything you do and produces a massive shift in focus.

You see things differently and it makes you aware of the abundance that is all around you. You move from that state of lacking to a state of abundance in every way possible.

Now this process of showing gratitude is literally a work in progress, things can happen quickly but not necessarily overnight. Showing gratitude is like forming a habit and must be practised on a day-to-day basis.

Therefore, from now on write down what you feel grateful for every day and just see how much focused you become.

Gratitude Improves Your Well Being 

Now your well being encompasses many aspects of you and your life. Right from your physical wellbeing to your mind, your emotions, and spiritual beliefs. Showing gratitude can literally change your life in all aspects.

People who show and express gratitude are more satisfied in life, they appreciate the things in their lives. Those things could represent possessions, money, and people around because they feel stable in life. They wake up each morning thanking their lucky stars for what they have in their lives.

It is a misconception that you show more gratitude the more you have in life. Someone with a modest status so to speak can be more grateful than a multi-millionaire.

The more you have can sometimes be more destructive because it brings more pressure. People can self-sabotage when they have a lot more because they are not necessarily grateful. Maybe they don’t respect what they have?

I am all for people to have what they want but when you get it make sure you are grateful when you receive it. Otherwise, what is the point?

Showing Gratitude Makes You Feel Happier

why gratitude is important 

Gratitude changes your life because it makes you feel happier. Happiness is a state of feeling joyful and content and you can add safe into the mix as well. Now you may be naturally happy, but it is always worth putting it to the test.

As an exercise write down a few sentences about different aspects of your life that you are grateful for. It could be anything but for example your family, lifestyle, career or your friends.

At the end of the exercise, I am confident that what you write down will make you feel happy, joyful and content. You will feel positive and optimistic because you are in a happy state, all through showing gratitude.

You Will Have Peace Of Mind

Showing gratitude develops inner belief and peace of mind. The opposite of being grateful is being ungrateful but you could interpretate that as being expectant. Expectant people don’t show gratitude, they will explore short cuts to get what they want and will feel entitled.

That road however is very short, and they never get anywhere apart from expecting more. People who don’t take things for granted or are expectant express gratitude when they have felt the pain. They have put the work in and when they see the results their gratitude comes to the surface.

Therefore, they have peace of mind that they have worked for what they have got and never expected anything to just happen.

Gratitude Gives You The Platform To Reach Your Goals 

Goal setting is an important part of life and something I empower you to do. The secret to goal setting is to set the right goals for you but to have an inner platform to help you reach those goals.

That inner platform is built through you being happy, healthy in body and mind, much of which I have already spoken about. When you have that inner platform in place then you have every chance of reaching your goals without any external distraction.

I have shared with you some exercises today to work through so make sure you do them regularly. Make them a daily habit, a routine that you put your heart and soul into and then you can achieve anything you want in life.

Hopefully today’s post has given you clarity on why gratitude is important in all aspects of your life. It can literally change your life if you let it! Let me know in the comment box what you are grateful for in life.

A life of freedom and choice

Trish Davies

trish davies

Trish Davies International