Your Roadmap To Success To Meet Your Goals

Searching for your roadmap to success? Here is that roadmap to success so that you can meet all the goals that you set.

Hi Trish Davies here and today I want to help you create your roadmap to success. This roadmap to success will  help create a lifestyle of freedom and choice for you and your family.

“The road is long with many a winding turn” are the opening lyrics to a 1960’s called He’s My Brother by the Hollies. If you haven’t heard it before then check it out on YouTube. These lyrics could be the opening statement to the plan that you are going to create to plot your own road to success.

There are many elements that you need to put into place so that you can achieve success within your life. Whether that is for personal or business interests. Now I must warn you that success doesn’t come easy and why should it?

If something is worth having, then you should be prepared to put the work in and not just rely on hope and giving it a go.

Your Roadmap To Success Needs Commitment 

your roadmap to success

Total commitment from the start is needed. You must give 100% at all times and there is no room for having the attitude of let’s try it. If you do then you know what is going to happen.

As soon as the road to success starts to get bumpy you are going to use your get out of jail card. You would simply “oh it didn’t work out” because that is the mindset you have had from the outset. You are saying to yourself “I told you so”.

Well done, you have succeeded in failing!

So, you must have a mindset for success. Nothing else will do so you can run through brick walls to grab it. Saying this though you must realise that success is still not guaranteed. You must learn specific skills sets that will equip you with what you need.

I am now going to share with you the key ingredients for a smooth journey along your roadmap to success. What I am about to share will instil into you the must have attitude instead of just wanting things and wishing they would happen.

My only pre-requisite is that you are committed to changing your life. If you are not then you may as well click away from this page because you are not going to get any value from it.

Great you are still with me which fills me with hope. Hope that however long your road to success is, and not everybody’s the same, you will arrive at your final destination.

Road to Success – What Is Your Why And Purpose? 

You can’t take the first step without knowing why you are starting this journey. This is something that you will have to sit down and think very hard about. You must have clarity on what your mission in life is.

Your roadmap to success should only have one direction and that obviously is forward. If you don’t know the direction you want your life to go then you run the peril of engaging into reverse gear. Then you fall into the trap of 1 step forward and 2 steps back. This is time wasted which you will never get back.

You must know what you want in life. When you discover that then this is the direction that you must follow.

There is a simple process that you can go through to find your mission and purpose. It involves you asking yourself 3 questions.

  1. What are you good at?
  2. What do enjoy doing?
  3. How can you use these to help society?

Start To Take Action 

Your first step is to start forming good habits that will help you achieve your goals. Take some time to think of the things that are most important and useful that you daily. Habits take time and you should be looking at around 30 – 60 days for them to become second nature.

At first you will be motivated to create them. However, after 10 days it starts to become harder. You will look for excuses not to do it. Here is where you will need some discipline to not give up, you must plough on.

When you get to the 20-day period things will start to get easier. The habit is starting to form, and the sweet spot is when you get to the 30-day period. Here things start to become effortless. You will not have to consciously think about doing things and it will be second nature.

So now the habits have been formed but you must realise that it will take longer to see the results. Don’t become despondent because they will come. Give yourself at least 100 days, roughly 3 months and then you will become more confident. Then you will start getting traction and gain momentum.

Your Roadmap to Success – Always Be Positive 

positive mindset

You must erase all negativity from your life and this starts with you personally. Your mindset must be positive and here is why. If you think negatively then you will not see the opportunities when they present themselves because it won’t hit home.

However, if you are a positive thinker then your mind is a lot clearer. Therefore, you can recognise the opportunity right in front of your eyes.

So how can you get into a positive mindset. The first is to stop reading the newspapers or watching it on television. Let’s face it there is not a lot of good news in the world when it comes to the media. If there is then it is not at the top of their programs or web pages. . It’s usually halfway through or just a brief mention in their broadcast.

Also, when it comes to music don’t listen to stuff that is depressing with sad lyrics. More than often, it will make you cry and set off bad memories that you can’t shake out of your head.

Remove Negativity From Your Life 

Another thing to do is not listen to negative advice. Negativity breeds negativity and you will come across people whose mission in life is to be miserable. They want to take down everybody who is around them.

We all have a circle of influence, people who we mix with all the time. Look at your inner circle and weed out the doom and gloom merchants and disassociate yourself from them.

This is going to be one of the hardest things that you do. However, you must do to reach the final destination on your roadmap to success. You must do it!

In many ways you must become ruthless for the sake of your own future and destiny. If you look at some of the most successful people in history this is what they have done.

When you have weeded out these people you must then seek out positive people to replace them. You must start mixing with like-minded people who all have the same direction in life. You can brainstorm with them and even collaborate with them to help each other to reach goals.

Never Ever Quit 

Only losers quit when times get tough and they will for sure. You must develop a never say die attitude. Keep looking at your final destination and develop the belief that you can arrive there.

Be determined, persistent and continue to take the action steps that are needed. Look at the likes of the late Steve Jobs who started Apple with his friend in his garage or Jeff Bezos of Amazon fame who started in his spare bedroom.

If they had quit, then you wouldn’t be able to use your MacBook Pro to log onto Amazon and do all your shopping! Hopefully you get my point.

Your Road to Success – Love Your Work 

love your work

Everything becomes so much easier if your love your work. Don’t spend the 40 odd years of your life doing something you hate which millions of people all around the world do sadly.

If you love your work you will wake up in the morning inspired to do some good through the actions that you take.

That is something I want to highlight. When you take action, it leads to inspiration. You may do something that then gives you another idea. That light bulb moment which could be your next big project, something that could even change the world.

That may be a bold statement, but you never know!

Be Healthy In Body & Mind 

You must be healthy in both your mind and body and the only way to do that is to make the right decisions. Eat healthy and exercise regularly, it is not rocket science. Put good ingredients into your mouth and burn it off through an exercise regime that you stick to.

Energy levels will increase which leads to more productivity in the actions you take, which results in success.

Always look to improve your physical and mental skill sets. Look at personal development and the areas where you can improve. Then seek the professional help you need which will expand your inner circle of positive people.

These are the steps you need to take to create and follow your roadmap to success. It won’t be easy but is anything in life worth it if it is? Let me know your comments below on anything that I have shared with you. Be sure to share with me your success stories when they happen, which they will if you follow these steps.

A life of freedom and choice

Trish Davies

trish davies

Trish Davies International