7 Tips On Attracting Abundance And Prosperity Into Your Life

Most people want more abundance, prosperity and money in life so here are 7 tips on attracting abundance and prosperity to live a more fulfilling life.

Hi Trish Davies, here from TrishDaviesInternational.com & BuildYourAu.com. If you have followed me for some while you will know that I am very economically driven. Money is a driving and motivating factor for me and has helped me achieve the success I have had.

There is a lot of talk about manifesting money into your life which can be refined into attracting abundance and prosperity. Unless you win the lottery or inherit something money doesn’t just appear as if by magic.

You can use tools, resources, educate yourself and use strategies within business to make more money. What people don’t realise though is that you must create a mindset around money. That mindset must be positive of course but you must also have a good relationship around money, see it as your friend.

There is lots of information on the law of attraction. Just a week or so I created a post on law of attraction steps which you can read here. Today I want to look at 7 specific point, tips on attracting abundance and prosperity into your life.

These tips will help you understand more about manifesting money and experiencing abundance and prosperity.

Attracting Abundance And Prosperity Starts With Understanding Financial Prosperity

attracting abundance and prosperity

Many people are put on this earth and accept the hand that they are given. Spiritually financial prosperity is your right, you don’t have to accept a life that is lacks money. You don’t have to struggle financially, and I am giving you permission to desire money. It is not wrong to want more money in your life!

If you want it then there you can have more than enough and then you will find yourself in a position to help others.

Look For Opportunities That Are Around You 

In 2020 there are opportunities to make money all around you, it is just a matter of spotting them. Before you do look for them though ask yourself just what you are doing right now to manifest money.

If you are waiting for money to magically appear then you will be waiting a very long time. There is a saying that “money doesn’t grow on trees”, although many people think it does.

You must become creative and come up with an idea, a concept, then formulate a plan and strategy. If this is something that you are finding hard to get your head around then I can help.

The biggest opportunity you have right now is you. You have everything inside of you to attract abundance and prosperity in your life. It is just a matter of extracting all your talents and gifts and packaging it up and then monetize it.

I have a very unique training program called Build Your AU. The program is designed to position you as an authority but in an authentic way. Then it is all about attracting the right audience for you to provide value to and receive reward at the same time.

For 12 months I have been fine tuning this program and I am about to launch a 9-week intensive program. At the end of 9 weeks you will have everything you need to create financial freedom and security. One caveat though is that you must be committed and put the work in.

If you want to know more then contact me here and I will add you to the program. You haven’t got much time though as I am launching this on Saturday 29th /Sunday 30th August.

What You Think Must Align With What You Want 

think about abundance and prosperity

If you want abundance and prosperity in your life, then you must think it. There is real correlation between what you think and what you receive in life. If you are a person that constantly thinks negatively then you will attract negative things into your life.

Negative thoughts will block your success so you must flick the switch. You must think positively about what you want to have in your life. Focus very specifically on your desires and you will see a natural progression from though to reality.

Turn Those Thoughts Into Words 

When your thinking is aligned with your desires then you must always speak in a positive manner. To do this relies on your changing just one word when you speak to yourself and others.

Change “never” to “always” and here is an example of this principle in practice. If you constantly say “I never have enough money” you must start saying “I always have enough money” so it is aligned with your though patterns.

To help you do this I want you to take a step back to the thought process I previously mentioned. You must create a middle ground so to speak and take those thoughts and write them down.

By doing this you are creating a statement of intent, an affirmation in other words. When you have these affirmations in place, I want you to speak them aloud. It can either be in private if that makes you more comfortable or in front of someone you truly trust.

So, you are taking your thoughts, transferring them onto paper, then transferring them again into sound. Those sounds must be recorded on your phone or any other recording device.

The final part to this step is to use another of your senses and listen back to your recordings. All of these steps are designed to condition you to think, speak and listen in a positive way. Then it is about repetition and getting into the habits of thinking, speaking, and listening positively.

Have Belief In Attracting Abundance And Prosperity 

have belief

Self-doubt is very destructive and there is usually only one outcome. You never move forward because you don’t believe you can achieve things in life. Abundance and prosperity are not different and if you don’t believe you can attract it then quite simply you won’t.

You may have struggled hardship, times when things got a bit tight which creates doubt. You may be doubting that you can achieve you financial desires so this must stop, right here, right now!

Believe that you can achieve anything that you set your mind to then abundance and prosperity will present itself.

Never Fear Money 

Some people go through life having the wrong attitude about money. That may stem from previous generations that had this idea that money was the root of all evil. That philosophy is then embedded in their minds and they think that money will change them.

When you manifest more money make sure you appreciate it and remain humble. Don’t let it go to your head and respect money and what it can do for you and others around you. If you respect money and the good, it can do then this will replace the fear you had around money. It won’t change you or make you a bad person as long as you respect it.

Keep Going And Never Quit 

If you practice the previous steps, then eventually you will attract abundance and prosperity. The only way you won’t is if you quit too early, before you see any results. You must keep going forward, have a never say die attitude and be patient.

Things do take some time. As I said earlier money doesn’t grow on trees. If it did then it’s value would decrease. You have the power to attract money into your life. Unleash that power and you will find it easier attracting abundance and prosperity into your life. Don’t quit!

A life of freedom and choice

Trish Davies

trish davies

Trish Davies International