Why Practicing Gratitude Daily Has Been Instrumental To My Success

Sometimes you must take stock of where you are in life and be grateful for what you have. Trish Davies reveals why practicing gratitude daily has got her to where she is today.

Hi, Trish Davies here from TrishDaviesInternational.com & BuildYourAU.com. Today I want to carry on from my previous post on why gratitude is important. Specifically, I want to focus on why practicing gratitude daily has been instrumental to the achieving what I have.

At the moment I’m just sitting here waiting for timber to arrive or I should say wood here in Tasmania. So, buying wood for your fireplace, there’s a whole art and science around that process. A process that I am learning pretty quickly.

I’ve got a guy coming who lives about half an hour away. Everyone here in Tasmania with the colder weather in winter is ordering wood or timber for their fireplaces. Now is the time to do it because we’re smack bang sort of in the middle of summer getting ready or prepared for the winter months.  Winter here hits us around May, June, July, and August.

Therefore, you must make sure that the wood that you’re buying is dry or semi dried in preparation for the winter months. So, I’m just sitting here waiting for him to turn up. I’ve got my gloves on ready to go. While I am sitting here waiting I wanted to talk to you today about gratitude.

Practicing Gratitude Daily 

practicing gratitude daily

It’s a really important part of my process, my daily practice to get me to where I am today. It’s really important to understand and know how to practice that gratitude daily, because daily is critical!

I’ve got a journal and in this journal book I write in every single thing that I am extremely grateful for. That’s because it’s in those moments daily you will come across certain people that do certain things for you.

Like today, for example, I had my parents come over here. They actually dug out the garden bed for me, planted a whole heap of bushes down the side along a fence line for me. So that’s one of those things that I actually in that moment wrote in the gratitude or my gratitude journal.

More importantly, it’s about feeling the gratitude. So, it’s not just the practice of writing it down, it’s getting into the feeling space of gratitude. That’s what triggers the emotional connection to feeling good, which is critical in the process of being successful or gaining success.

The daily practice of gratitude is something that I do on a consistent basis. Just Google search the power of gratitude, the benefits of gratitude. From a neuroscience perspective see what it does to your level of frequency or vibration to attract the things that you want into your life.

The Science Of Getting Rich 

Gratitude is everything which is summed up in The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D Wattles. He wrote that book in 1910. That’s over 100 years ago and gratitude was the longest chapter in the book.

That’s a classic and something that is well worth reading and not just reading once. I’ve read it several times. I think it’s a book where you treat it a little bit more like a textbook than what you would read from front to back.

It’s something that you will always pull out and always reflect on or go back to. So, yes The Science Of Getting Rich talks about gratitude, one of the longest chapters in that book.

Practising gratitude daily will absolutely get you everything that you want. It’s the one thing that I would recommend that you absolutely do and incorporate it into your daily routine. Also, meditation helps with practicing gratitude and meditation is something that I do on a daily basis as gratitude is part of that process.

Visualization is also part of that process. Take some time to visualise what you are grateful for and write it down. This helps to feel the feelings of gratitude, to know what that feels like. It’s a good feeling space, and that’s a really important space to be in.

Practicing Gratitude Helps With Negativity 

negative to positive

Another quick tip as well, sometimes not always easy to get there is this.  You could be in a really bad space, receive some really bad news, you could be in an extremely negative situation. Sometimes it’s not always easy to flip to a place of positivity.

Gratitude can help a little bit with that by actually reflecting on some of those smaller things throughout the day. Even just some of the smaller things throughout the week or through your life that you’re extremely grateful for. This can help to possibly flip or pivot you from that place of negativity where sometimes you are far too deep.

Today was a good example of just pivoting, and I had to do it. There’s a beautiful drive from my parent’s place to my new house here in Tasmania. It’s incredibly awesome. I love it.

I love just being present and being now. Just watching the countryside and what’s around you and putting on some really cool music, which I did today. This can actually help you to shift out of a space of negativity or adversity and put you into a better feeling. It puts you into a feel-good space and that space of feeling good.

This is that what you need to apply to your process of gratitude, practising gratitude daily. I hope that helps. It’s something that definitely helps me, and I just continue to practice it daily. See what happens with that journaling process that you do, see what happens to your life and the changes that start to suddenly happen. The things that start to flow into your life with ease. It’s very interesting.

You will notice a change in maybe 30 days. Get a small journal, put it in your handbag, have it in your car, just have it available to you. Then for everything that happens to you, just make a note in that journal on what you’re extremely grateful for.

Science Of Getting Rich Book | How To Practice Gratitude Daily?

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A life of freedom and choice

Trish Davies

trish davies

Trish Davies International